10: Blueberry Blast

Start from the beginning

I see movement outside my room, I asked for Skye to keep it open, it made me feel less isolated. Looking out I see the crop of messy brown hair as a suited arm raises up to run through it, he's stood at the reception talking to the woman on the other side, I can't see his face but a flash of shame and hope ignites in me. He came, but was it to dump me down into the dirt like Riley had, or was it a sympathy calling for the girl he slept with.

The nurse points to my room and I see him look over his shoulder to the door, I see those molten silver eyes clouded with worry and relief as he moves to the door. I catch my breath, a deep burn seizing my lungs as I breathe in, and try to stop the jolt of a sob as I feel my cheeks tingle with the feeling of sickness as tears form in my eyes.

"Scar." He sighs as he comes through the door, he's panting and a shine of sweat forms on his forehead.

"Gray." The name comes out strangled, raw and I try to swallow around the rising lump in my throat.

There are a few moment of silence, I look down trying to contain my sniffles and tears, I don't want to cry. Not in front of him. I feel his warm hand over the top of my cold one, boney and fair against his larger ivory one.

"You had me so worried, what were you thinking huh?" he says seriously, emotion in his voice but I can't look at him, but I feel his stare all over me; assessing me.

The truth was that I wasn't, I don't remember it really, I don't even remember driving but all I remember was the voicing going around my head. "I don't know." I wheeze out, my chest making it hard to breathe on my left but my hidden broken sobs make me take a double breath.

I feel his finger lift my chin up, letting the tears that had been threatening to spill finally run their course down my bruises grazes cheek, my lip trembling with them and I have to bite down to stop myself. His eyes are red, with bags under them, as if he hadn't slept and his stubble on his jaw looked thicker and untamed. "I'm sorry I left. I was called away for business, I was in panic mode and had to get to New York or my ass would've been fired." I know he is being honest, his eyes burn into mine and I don't have the heart to look away. But I shake my head softly, it feels like my brain is rolling around and my eyes go dizzy.

"You don't need to explain." I stop my hand from going to his cheek, if I move too much it all hurts, and I'm scared to pull out one of the lines going into me.

"But I do. Leaving you like that, that morning was hard for me, I knew how much it meant to you and it meant so much for me too. You were sleeping so peacefully; it was my mistake, one of the worst, not writing a note or staying just a little longer." He runs his thumb in a soothing motion back and forth over my knuckles; treating me like a piercing of glass.

"I had prepared myself for it. I never expected you to stay. I only hoped that you would. I wanted to believe that you actually wanted me too." I whisper, it was all too much for me, this feeling welling up inside of me was consuming, I didn't know how to deal with it.

"Of course I want you. I flew all the way from New York to see you! When Jasper called I thought of every and any possibility as to why you were here, how you were, what could have happened... I didn't know if I would find you alive." His eyes look misted, torn and searching- they too flutter with tears and I finally do raise my hand to his cheek. Not caring about the tug it makes in my arm, or the pain in my ribs, I just want to soothe him, like he did for me those weeks ago.

"It's okay. I'm safe." I coo as his body falls down onto my bed, I caress his hair flattening the curls under my touch, run my hands through it remembered the last time I had.

"I felt so angry, and hurt, but I felt so lost and worried at the same time. I was so confused. It made my chest ache and I knew I couldn't rest until I saw you." His words spike and unfamiliar feeling in me, it was like an overwhelming bubble of pride and relief, like a wound rubber band just releasing its tension. It made my heart double beat and flutter, it made my stomach flip and body shake with emotion. I couldn't explain it.

"You came straight here?" I ask astonished. He really cared, he put everything aside for me.

"I was going to bring you some grapes or something, some flowers or clothing. But I couldn't wait to see you." He moves to take his jacket off and roll up his shirt sleeve, I see his tie sticking out his pocket and smile. I loved to see his tattoo, his power and strength. I knew with his beside me I would make it.

"So you're not angry with me anymore?" I smile as he settles back next to me as my eyes begin to flutter tiredly, his head rests on the pillow next to me and I hope he gets some rest- it's worrying how sick he looks.

"I was never angry with you, Sweetheart, if I was that stunning ass of yours would be red by now." He teasingly kisses the tip of my nose as my eyes widen with play shock.

"Only you could be thinking about my ass at a time like this..." I roll my eyes as I feel him move closer so more of his body is on the bed next to me, my right side was IV free and I whimper as I make room for him on the bed. I don't know how he will sleep with the bed sat up like this but I'm too tired to care, I am just grateful he is here right now, as I know when I wake up again I will have to face the real world. "I like you next to me when I sleep. It keeps the ghosts away." I whisper to him with fluttering eyes.

"I know, Cherry, I'll never let them hurt you. I promise. Sleep now." He says into my hair, a soft kiss on my lips and before I know it I drift into a cocoon of warmth as I sleep.

Cherry Swirl (Rated R)Where stories live. Discover now