Hiccup reached forward. Astrid handed it to him and he looked at it. "Poor thing...you really have been using it much..."

Astrid laughed and shrugged. "I guess? Think that you can sharpen it?" She asked. "Sure...I'll be back in a minute with a razor sharp battle axe..." Hiccup said before he left.

Astrid looked at him with a smile before sitting down on one of the chairs. She looked at him.

Astrid always admired how good he worked with metal, leather and wood. The look on his face when he concentrated was adorable. He had this sorta pout-lips with furrowed eyebrows.

But Astrid thought that everything was adorable about him. His smile. His freckles. Everything!

Hiccup finally finished her axe and wandered back to her with it in his hands. While he was walking towards her, she noticed that he was limping. Even so slightly. Astrid stood up.

Hiccup reached her and gave her the axe before sitting down on the chair next to hers. Astrid leaned her axe against the wall beside her chair and sat down next to Hiccup.

She signed. "So...how's you leg?" She asked and gazed over at him. "It's fine...I'm still getting used to not having a left leg but it's alright..."

She bit her lip. "Are...are you sure. Because I often see you limping..." She said and looked down at his leg. Hiccup signed. "You know...it's alright to show that something hurts. If you hide it, it might get worse. You don't have to be afraid of showing that it hurts. It's understandable. You don't always have to be a hero...you know?"

"I know..." Hiccup said, signing as he looked down and fiddled with the end of his fur vest. Astrid looked at him with a smile. "So...again, how's you leg?"

"It bothers me. It really does. My father says that I need to man up and ignore the pain because that's what Vikings do. But...it's not so easy. I don't think he understands how it feels. Sometimes, it feels like I still have my left leg but I haven't. It really bothers me because I need to be strong. The village expects me to be someone I'm not. I just want to be myself for one day..." Hiccup said, breathing out.

It felt great to spill it all out. Astrid knew that. She slowly started to rub his arm. "Then be yourself for one day...just take a rest from everything and have some time without the villagers expectations. I know how much of a fighter you are. You don't need to prove that your more. Let other people accept you for who you are. Not what you pretend to be..."

Hiccup looked up at that. "You really mean it?" He asked. "Yes...and know what? I've already accepted you for who you are...not what you pretend to be."

He looked into her eyes. "Thank you..." He said and slowly stood up. "And you know what? Today is going to be that day. I'm going to take a day break and just relax..."

"Now, that's the Hiccup I know" Astrid said with a smile and stood up, taking her axe. "Um...wanna hang out today?" Hiccup asked and turned a light shade of pink. "If you want...I mean...I was just about to train with my axe but...yeah."

"It's no problem, I'll just watch. You know, draw, talk to Toothless..."

And after saying his name, the black dragon bounced towards the two young's from behind a wall. Astrid laughed and patted him on the head. "So...should we go?" She asked.

"Sure! Wanna have a lift?" Hiccup asked and hopped on Toothless. "Alright..."

Astrid climbed up on Toothless and they flew out of the forge, towards Raven Point.

Astrid had one of her hands on Hiccup's waist as she held her axe in the other. They where only in the air for a few minutes before Hiccup landed where he had seen Astrid train. He looked around at the trees.

Hiccstrid One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now