Chapter Twenty Five

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“what time is Bree getting here?” Matt asked with his mouth full of food.

“any minute now” I smiled, we was going dress shopping I was up early and organised, we was spending the day together doing wedding things, but we was mainly focusing on our dresses, oh I still had to get him his christmas present and wedding ring ugh so much to do!

Yes you heard me right. It was nearing December and we still hadn't gotten married, my studied had just became so hectic and well Matt said that was more important than our wedding, he could wait which I was thankful for, but we had a date set January 10th. It was locked in.

“what are you doing today? Is Jack coming over?” it was great that Matt and I got to be on holidays together.

“yeah think so, we'll probably head into town check out suits what colour do you want me to wear?” he looked up wiping his mouth with his hand.

“not white, either black or dark charcoal no bow tie or vest either” oh god I was sounding bossy.

“ok please don't tell me your going to turn into a crazy chick obsessed with everything?”

I walked behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist “wear what you want I don't care, you have good taste anyway so I'm not worried, oh I do have to call in to see dad after lunch anyway”

“ok babe I'm only stirring you, ill take a photo of the suit if I find one and send it to you”

I finished cleaning up the dishes when Bree waltzed in “ready bride to be?” she beamed.

I nodded and went into the bedroom to kiss matt on the cheek good bye, he grabbed my head and kissed me on the lips “babe take this” he passed me his bank card but I wouldn't take it.

“no I'm ok” I frowned trying to get passed him.

“I'm not taking no for a answer, take it” his voice was stern, I rolled my eyes and took it and we walked out as jack walked in.

“don't worry I wont put much of a dent in your card” I smirked as grabbed Bree's hand and walked out of the house. I was so keen to shop till I dropped.

35 dresses! That's how many they have pulled out for me to try on, I mean holy geeze thats a lot of dresses.

“Miss James may I ask who your fiancee is?” the bridal store owner June asked

“Matthew Hardy and just call me Sadie” I smiled.

“serious? Oh your so lucky!” she grinned wide with her brows shot up high.

“I know, he is damn fine” I gushed, Bree pulled her camera out to start taking photos, oh dear this will be a long day with the way she's going.

“wait” I called out, “you need to try dresses on as well Bree”, and I went over to the bridesmaid section pulling her in tow with me.

I went through the racks like a pro, all up I found 4 I really liked and passed them to her, then pushed her in the change room direction.

A hour later and I had only tried on 8 dresses, a lot of them I refused to try as they were not my type, I mean no way in hell was I wearing something that was so puffy or tight. I found the perfect dress for Bree, it was totally her, I was stepping into the ninth dress when I walked out and looked in the mirror “this is it” I yelled smiling widely.

“That is totally it!” Bree was walking around me “Matt is going to die!” she grinned.

“So is Jack” I smiled as we both stood together looking at our reflections in the mirror.

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