The long Date

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Nicoletta: Well it looks like another chapter of The Second Cat. I wonder what drama awaits in this chapter. (Lol, I sound like Shigure) Kyo are you ready?
Kyo: Why are you asking me?
Nicoletta: Because I am. Now answer.
Kyo: Fine, I guess.
Nicoletta: Now tell me something, Do you love Nikki?
Kyo: I guess I would y- Wait! Why are there people filming this. Are you putting this on TV. Get the hell away from me. *runs away*
Nicoletta: Well I guess we can all predict that he was going to say yes. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Nikki's P.O.V.

A month has pasted since Katy, Ash, and I have been living at Shigure's house. I noticed that Kyo really hates Yuki, and wants to beat him in a fight one day. I on the other hand have been getting to know everyone and become great friends. Ash has been yelling at Kyo for some strange reason, and is Yuki's sidekick in helping him torment Kyo. Katy is getting along well with Tohru and is helping her with some of the chores. Shigure doesn't have a friend, but he always calls this guy "Aaya" and every time Yuki heard this guys name, he begins to yell at Shigure, which is a rare sight. Lately I've hanging out with Kyo because we get along so well. Ash and Yuki are always teasing Kyo and saying stuff like "Kyo has the hots for Nikki." I don't like how there doing that, but I do like him. Maybe he has the same feelings for me.

Recently, I've been watching this anime called Mojita and its really cool. I watch it with Ash and Katy and we are enjoying every minute of it. Sometimes I don't get it, but it's like another anime I watch, Pokemon, but the humans fighting. Anyways today we were watching it, and a commercial came up that I was really surprised to see.

"Today and only today we'll be showing the new Mojita movie for free. You can also meet the creators of the show itself and receive a Mojita plush."

Wait! There's a movie of this?! I want to watch it." Ash said.

"Me too!" Katy beamed happily.

Kyo walked into the living room. He had a weird expression of his face, like he just ate a really sour lemon.

"What the hell are you three blabbing about?" Kyo asked rudely.

"Well orange top, a movie of Mojita came out and today it is free to watch and we can meet the creator and receive a Mojita plush." Ash explained.

"One, stop calling me orange top, two why would they do something like that?" Kyo said.

"Did you write the show, I'm pretty sure not, so please do me a favor and SHUT UP!" Ash yelled, which got Kyo furious.

"Oh really, well right now it sounds like you're challenging me to a fight." Kyo enthusiastically barked, while putting his fists in Ash's face.

"I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win, because you're just a scaredy cat." Ash replied angrily.

"Just because I'm a cat, it doesn't mean you can call me that!" Kyo said with rage.

"Good thing he's not fighting or arguing with me." Yuki said suddenly. He sat next to me and Katy.

Shut up, you damn rat, I'm not finished with you yet. Once I defeat her in this fight, you're next!" Kyo said with pride.

Ash and Kyo went outside to fight each other for a stupid reason. Yuki stood up and excused himself and walked outside. Katy and I stood up too and walked over where the brilliant minded Kyo Sohma was about to fight with my dirty mouthed sister. Why you may ask for calling Kyo brilliant, well because I'm being sarcastic and what I'm trying to say is if he fights her, then they will most likely bump into each other and transform into a cat and a fox. But before they began to fight, Yuki came in between them and he kicked Kyo, which caused him to fly and land head first onto a large rock. It seemed to me that he was in terrible pain, but all he did was look at Yuki and glared at him, then he ran off into the woods. Ash was now laughing because he just fled a fight. I on the other hand, chases after Kyo.

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