Tricking the Cat Rat and Dog

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I just wanting to have a chapter where Ash, Katy, and Nikki play some tricks on Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure. Prepare to have you're socks laughed off, for a hilarious and cute chapter. I just want to thank everyone for reading this book and I appreciate the comments I get. And everyone deserves a treat and its this chapter. Enjoy reading.

Nikki's P.O.V.

I woke up at 2 P.M. and went to the kitchen. Everyone was sitting at the kotatsu table talking. I walked over and sat down next to Kyo.

"Soooo." I said trying to start a conversation.

"What." Ash answered.

"Well I'm bored." I replied.

"Congratulations, you just realized how we feel while you were sleeping." Ash said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Kyo and smiled. He smiled back and we didn't notice how long we were looking into each other eyes until Ash waved her hand in front of our faces.

"Hello lovebirds, glad that you two are back on Earth. What planet did you guys visit, planet of love. Haha." Ash teased.

"That's it, you're dead." Kyo said angrily and wanted to start a fist fight with Ash.

"Yeah umm, I think I had more fun upstairs in my bedroom. Uh, bye." I said and sped up to my room before it got anymore weird.

"I'm gonna go too." Katy said and followed my to our room.

The two of us say on the bed, while making origami cranes. I taught Katy how to make them, so we did this for a half hour. We made about 20 with all of the beautiful designed paper we chose. I thought it would be a great idea if I could give everyone a crane, to thank all they have done for me. I grabbed the colors that everyone admired the most, orange for Kyo, purple for Yuki, pink for Tohru, grey for Shigure, blue for Ash, and fuchsia for Katy. All was calm and quiet until Ash barged in the door.

"Hey Katy, Nikki, let's have some fun." Ash said and smirked.

"Okay, this just got weird." I stated and tried to walk out the door, but Ash stopped me.

"What I mean is, why don't we trick the guys. Tohru went to the market and she said for us to watch the house." Ash explained.

"Tricking the guys doesn't involve us watching the house." Katy stated.

"Ugh, what we're doing is we are gonna do some stuff with them, but we can't break anything." Ash explained rudely.

I looked at Katy with a weird facial expression. "What kind of stuff?" I asked nervously.

"Well you remember back then when you were little and we used to throw a ball of yarn in your sight. You would always stop what you were doing and start playing with the ball of yarn like a cat would." Ash said reminding me that embarrassing memory.

I grind my teeth. "One I'm a cat and two don't remind that to me, it's stupid and embarrassing. And what are you planning to do with them."

"Well for Shigure, I thought we could give him a bone, for Yuki, we could give him cheese, and Kyo I'll either throw a ball of yarn or do one of those laser pointer things." Ash beamed happily.

"You can do that to Yuki and Shigure, but not Kyo." I said trying my hardest to protect him.

"I think it's a great idea Ash, and Nikki you just don't want to see Kyo doing that and you don't want him to be embarrassed after he realizes what he's doing." Katy said happily.

I was silent for a couple of minutes, while Ash and Katy were talking about random things they should do to the boys. I didn't think it was funny at all. I mean come on, it isn't funny making them act like there animals. How about I do that to Katy and Ash, if I could figure out what foxes and wolves do. You can't keep them as a pet.

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