A Heartbreaking Birthday

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Nikki's P.O.V.

Ahh, good morning sun, good morning flowers, good morning me. I woke up and I was filled with glee. Yes today's my birthday and nothing could go wrong. I walked downstairs happily and hummed a peaceful tune. I walked into the kitchen to find everyone, but sadly they weren't there. I turn my back to walk upstairs to find them. Suddenly, I hear Ash, Katy, and my mom jump up and yell surprise, which startled me and I fell to the ground.

"Haha, every year you guys get me." I said and laughed.

We sat down and began to eat. My mom made pancakes, just for me, with blueberries and strawberries on top of the syrup. I'm so lucky to have her as my mother. After we finished, we got ready to go to school. We were at the door about to leave, until my mother stopped me.

"Nikki, Happy Birthday!" She said happily. She gave me a kiss and a big hug. I appreciated it a lot, then she said she was staying home today. But before I left, she gave me a present. I was anxious to see what was inside, so I ripped it open. Inside was a heart-shaped locket. When I opened the locket, there was a picture of my mom on one side and the other side was a picture of me. I gave her another hug and put the necklace around my neck.

"I love you a lot, and I will always treasure you." She said which brought tears to my eyes.

"I love you too, mom." I replied back.

"Happy Sweet sixteen. When you three come home, we'll celebrate it." My mother said sweetly. I gave her another hug and we left the house, on our way to school.


When we finally arrived, we saw Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo. I was standing in front of them smiling, waiting for them to say something.

"Well..." I said anxiously waiting for them to say happy birthday.

"Well what." Kyo answered confusingly.

"It's my birthday." I replied, trying not to yell.

"Well, Happy Birthday!" Tohru says.

I nodded and we walk to class. Katy and I had to say goodbye to everyone until the end of the day. I don't like being one grade lower than them. At least I've got Katy. She was all happy and jumping up and down saying how much fun we're gonna have when we get home, and she said more wacky stuff, but I ignored her, then I told her to shut up, and she did.


Finally the day was over, and now I can go home and enjoy my birthday. I really wish that my birthparents were here, even if my dad hates me. It wasn't my fault I was born with a curse.

Once we reached our mom's house, I grabbed my key and opened the door. As I walked in the place, I was in shock. The whole house was all messed up. Tables were tilted, curtains were ripped, and there was no sign of my mother anywhere. We walked up into her bedroom to see is she's in there, and ask her why this place is messed up. I knocked on her door. No answer. Ash opened the door and peeked in. Then she screamed. I looked inside and all I could do was stare. I saw my mother on the ground dead. A knife was placed right next to her with blood covering it. Tears began to fill my eyes. I lost my birthparents and now my adopted mother. Katy and Ash began to cry. Ash laid down next to our mom.

"Mom, can you here me. MOM!" She cried. No answer. Our mother was dead, but who killed her?

Did she commit suicide, or a person killed her. I looked around the room and I found the picture that Ash, Katy, my mother, and I took. In blood, then picture was torn in half separating me from Ash, Katy, and my mom. There was also a piece of paper that said "The Kanaji family must pay." That was written in blood, but what did our family do to that murderer. And why has the picture been cut like that and only have myself unharmed. I know I'm not part of this family, but all I could say was why. I couldn't bare it anymore. I ran out of the house and down the city, all the way to the woods. I wanted to be forgotten in my life, I never wanted to be born.

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