~•~It Isn's Over Yet~•~

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Hello everybody. When I first wrote this book, I wasn't really expecting a lot of people to read it. I mean these days people hardly watch Fruits Basket. Everyone just wants violence, Yaoi, Yuri, and other things people want from an anime. But, do people have time to just sit down and watch 26 episodes of this magnificent anime?
Sadly, no.

Fruits Basket was my first ever anime and it made me laugh so hard then the next second later I would burst into tears. This anime made me embrace what a true fangirl is. Now I will would like to say something about every character that was introduced in this book. If you don't want to read this then skip to the end for a special surprise, but I strongly suggest you read this. Here it goes.

Tohru Honda
Tohru, when I watched the first episode I could totally relate to you. Your kindness and humble nature is exactly like me. And when I first heard that you wanted to be the year of the cat, I also did say that too, when I was younger. At that moment, you were my favorite character.

Yuki Sohma
Yuki, when I first heard your insult to Shigure, I made me laugh so hard. And that part when Tohru said to you that she'd still want to be your friend touch my heart and made me tear up. If you were real, you would be the person I would rely on the most.

Kyo Sohma
Kyo, when you broke through the roof and said your first line in the anime, I began to have a crush on you. I paused the anime for a moment and started Fangirling on how cute you were. Later on, you made me laugh so much. One time I almost fell off my bed, well almost ROLLED off my bed. Your reaction to leeks, fighting Yuki, and you just saying insulting comebacks made me die from laughter. But, you also made me cry for hours and hours. After that, I made you my favorite character in the whole world. This anime wouldn't be as funny without you in it.

Shigure Sohma
Shigure, you were the second character that made this anime enjoyable. You singing that High School girls song made me crack up. You procrastinate on your deadlines, a lot like me, and I love how your editor wants to kill you! I remember that episode when you went to the lake for Golden Week and left a note saying to her not to find you. That was classic right there.

Momiji Sohma
Momiji, is it wrong to have a high school boy this cute? No okay. In episode 7 with your first appearance, I was touched by how you showed off your cute was to everyone. Oh and you remind me of someone that I would like to know, Hunni-Senpai! I ship you guys because you look exactly alike, you both love bunnies, and you both are so cute.

Haru Sohma
Haru, honestly, you're a great character. Like for instance, episode 13 when you pulled that guy into the bathroom. Omg that made me laugh. And whenever you Black Haru, I'm just like, guys, hell is about to break loose.

Hatori Sohma
When the snow melts, what does it become? Spring! That line was amazing! I cried when you had to erase Kana's memory. I'm sure you would've been more happier with her. I feel bad what Akito did to your left eye, you only wanted to find love like a normal person would. (Unless your me) But, I know someday you will.

Akito Sohma
Akito, I may hate you because you hurt Hatori's eye, you kept Yuki for yourself an had "fun" with him, you cut Rin's hair, you hurt Kisa, you made Hiro hesitate to help Kisa when she was being bullied, and you WANT to have Kyo be confined for the rest of his life. (If you do that I will kill you. No one messes with him unless you go through me first) But, I guess everyone needs to be forgiven, I guess.

Anyways, how it's time for the special surprise!!

Yeah, you guys like surprises! Yeah!

Okay here it goes.



Yup that's right! And the first chapter is up so all you guys have to do is go on my account and find the book, The Innocent Cat, and read it!

Thank you for reading The Second Cat, and please enjoy The Innocent Cat.

This is Nicoletta signing out for one last time in this book.

Goodbye and I hope to see all of you in my second book.


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