Trembles, Lipstick, Quick Step

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Katniss POV

I'm sitting at a vanity in my room doing my hair and using tons of hairspray. My dress is in a dress bag ready to go. In the end Peeta convinced Finnick and I to let him bring in a seamstress from the castle to help us. Finnick gave in before I did cause he was tired and had stabbed himself with the needle a few time too many.

Peeta came in as I was finishing with my hair. He just sat next to me as if not to disturb me.

"Hey Peeta.", I greet him.

"Hey", he says playing with the long strings of pearls on the table.

My hands started shaking as I was about to put on my lipstick.

"Really? Now?", I sighed as I looked at my shaking hands.
I've performed many time. Too many times to count. But I still get nervous. Sometimes I start to sweat, or I get cold, or I feel the need to scream, or like now I start to shake.

"Katniss. Katniss what's wrong?", Peeta said hovering his hands over mine, asking if he could grasp them.

"Nothing I'm just nervous. It happens before every performance.", I say grasping his hands.

"I'll be fine. ", I say letting go of his hands and picking up the lipstick again.

"Here let me.", he said taking the lipstick from my trembling hand.

Before I could even say a word he had picked up a lipbalm and began applying it to my lips. Followed by the red lipstick. His hand traced my lips as he colored my mouth in a deep shade of red.

"There. Hows that?", hr said.

"Wow.", I said truly amazed, "Where did you learn to apply lipstick like that?"

"It's like painting with a paint brush. I really weird paint brush.", he said holding up the lipstick.

"Thanks.", I say to him smiling.

And he looks at me with his deep blue eyes that make me want to miss him. Amazing how I have mostly forgiven him in a matter of days. But doesn't know. Nor does he need to know. Yet.

Peeta had to leave so he could be at the competition before it started.

I put on my dress and the long strings of beads and a long jacket that reaches to my knees. I almost forget my glittery red hat.

Finnick is downstairs waiting with with his outfit and a leather jacket on. As we walk out he carries his dance bag, a baseball bat and his solo costume.

When we get into our dressing room in the castle we put on our shoes and warm up a bit. From backstage we watch the other dancers on the shiny dance floor wowing the judges. The queen and king are two of them and two other dance professionals.

A few dancers later Finnick and I are called up. Two background dancers follow and position a chair in the front left front row of the audience.

I stand on the chair as Finnick and the two dancers do a baseball senerio as the intro of our dance. Then the background dancers help me slide off the chair and so begins the dance.

(Watch Allison and Riker's quick step if you haven't yet.♥ :)

As we finish the dance I end on the floor pointing at Finnick as he catches a baseball bat and puts it on his shoulder.

The crowd claps and we run backstage to get ready for our solos.

So... Katniss solo first of Finnick's.

I'm thinking Finnick's solo...

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