The Notebook

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Katniss POV

Peeta drove to where the road ended and a a dirt road began. It was too narrow to drive through. I put on my socks and I'm about to put on my shoes, but Peeta stopped me by opening my door and telling me to climb onto his back.  Hesitating, I climbed onto his back. I rested my head on his neck, with my nose in his hair.

Suddenly a drop of water fell on my cheek. It sprinkled as he walked and when we arrived it started to rain harder. I unlock the door the my house. Peeta follows me upstairs to my room, where a huge bookshelf covers an entire wall.

"You kept our books?", he asked pulling out Allegient; the last book we read.

"Yeah and all the ones we had planned to read.", I said pulling out the first book next the Allegient. The Notebook.

"Then let's start.", he says taking the book from my hands.

Peeta jumped onto my bed and snuggled into my pillows.

"The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks.", he read as I crawled into the other side of the bed, and listened to him read. His voice was clear. He added feeling to what he read. Soon he had me reading Allie's lines and he read Noah's.  Before we knew it we had turned the last page of the book, yet the rain persisted in falling, blocking the sun.

"Tell me more about the kingdom.", I said to him as I placed the book back on its place on the shelf.

"Well, if you walk any road you'll always find the beach. The people love my mother and father. They love to dance. Every Saturday evening musicians take out their instruments. Whether it be a keyboard or a clarinet a banjo or a guitar. If it can make music then its welcome. The rest put on their finest clothes and dance the night away. You would love it there, and they would love you.", he tells me.

" I would love to see them dance.", I sigh at the thought of music and dancing the night away.

We go downstairs for a snack but my old piano catches my attention as it has every time I come downstairs.

" A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together."

I play on the piano as Peeta soon joined me in song.

May Your Untamed Heart Stay Restless, Running Wildजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें