The dance we started

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Katniss POV

"Cause baby I could build a castle
Out of all the bricks they threw at me
And every day is like a battle
But every night with us is like a dream
Baby we're the new romantics
Come on, come along with me
Heart break is the national anthem
We sing it proudly"

I walk around my house singing along to Taylor Swift's 1989. Soon its over and X by Ed Sheeran Starts.

"So honey now
Take me into your lovin' arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are"

"Kat? Weren't we learning a dance to this song?", Peeta walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah. But we never finished and hardly started" , I said taking a strawberry from the plate next to me.

I spin around singing

"Take me into your loving arms
Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
Place your head on my beating heart
I'm thinking out loud
Maybe we found love right where we are"

"We should finish the dance we started" I say putting on some socks and shoes.

"Yeah. I'm going to go home and put on some dance clothes and I'll meet you at the studio.", he said taking a strawberry from the plate.

I climb up the stairs and open my walk in closet. I pick out a short light green dress and some leggings to wear under it. I quickly shower and put my hair into a ponytail.

I put on the dress and the leggings. I slip on my Keds shoes grab my bag that holds my dance shoes and a water bottle. My bike sits against the front porch. Dandelion runs out from the house excitedly. She walks beside me as I ride my bike to the dance studio. On the way another golden retriever ran up to us.

"Hey Kat!", Peeta ran across the street.

"Hey Peeta", I said stopping my bike.

"That's Century. My father named him.",  Peeta said as the dog stood at his side.

"Hi Century. This is Dandelion.", I said petting his head, gesturing to Dandelion.

Peeta jumped on to the seat of my bike and said ,"Let's go."

I jumped on in front of the bike. And Peeta started towards the dance studio.

Dandelion and Century followed.

When we arrived at the dance studio Dandelion and Century went outside to the back of the studio.

"Okay how do we start this dance?", I said taking out Ed Sheeran's album from my bag and putting it into the music player.

"Well let's listen to the song a few times and do some steps that we feel go with the words of the song ", he said taking off his leather jacket. I take off my shoes and leave my socks on.

I press play and turn to the volume up.

I move around the dance studio with my eyes closed and moving with the song.

"Katniss! No no no. I have done the choreography to this dance.", Clove walked in to the room, pushing stop on the song.

"Okay. Peeta you to the left and Katniss to the right",  she said taking place next to me.

"Katniss walk forward like a bride would with a small skip in your step.", she siaid and for some reason that made sense.

Clove walked us through the dance and at one point she made Cato who was lazing around lay on the floor to show me a step.

She did a hand stand with her hands on either side of Cato's head. His eyes widened in fear because of what she was doing. What she expected me to do.

"Okay Peeta get on the floor and Katniss get in position.", she said helping Cato up.

"Aww. But the floor is so cold!", Peeta complained.

"Princes. What do you expect?", Finnick walked in with Annie behind him.

Peeta looked at him stunned. And we all laughed.

He layed flat on his back on the 'cold' floor. I did the hand stand step as best I could.

"Very good Katniss now Peeta when Kat gets up trail your hands down her legs.", she said with a evil smirk.

Peeta and I just stared at her like WHAT?!?

"You can't dance without adding feeling. You gotta act like your dying to kiss and touch each other. Your 'Thinking Out Loud".", she stated.

"by Ed Sheeran", Finnick whispered.

"Fine", I said getting on my hands again.

Peeta's hands trailed down from my waist down to my feet. Even when the step was finished I felt the ghost of his hands on my waist.

"Woah.", Finnick said with Annie.

"Okay we are going to go practice our Cha Cha dance in the dance floor next door...", Finnick and Annie ran out of the room giggling ," That was the hottest thing everrr. They are so cute together."

Clove taught us each step of a very intimate dance. Every step was tight and close up. Each time we were closer. Our lips were closer. Our hands tight on the others. We breathed each other's air.

May Your Untamed Heart Stay Restless, Running WildOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz