where my dreams lay

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Page after page. lyrics. poems. ballads sad words.

Finnick came back. Heartbroken and shattered. that makes two of us.

And so we tried to move on. We entered dance competitions and won a few. Today we had a competition in Kentucky. We were preforming a Paso Doble to (Finnick's choice) The Pirates of the Caribbean. So Finnick was sitting next to me looking in the mirror "getting into character" as he calls it.

Speaking of Kentucky, Clove and Cato moved here.
They don't talk to us anymore. I guess no one likes to hang out with the bitter broken hearted people with no family but each other as brother and sister. Oh well.
I slip on my shoes and and go out to backstage where Finnick waits for me along with other contestants. They are all dressed in bright colors. And we are dressed as pirates.

Time passes agonizingly slow. We wait and wait to get on the dancefloor. Eventually they call us and we perform.
And get a loud applause. But not even dance can bring us joy.

We get to the hotel say goodnight and go to our rooms. I miss Peeta. but the words he said to me play over and then over in my memory. When I cry, I write. And so I do right when I close the hotel door. Music. Lyrics. Everything. I must have a number one single some where in the many notebooks and Word files I have. But what do I care. All I've ever wanted was a family. I had a family. Two in fact. The first one died and the second died and had other plans to find or make their family. Finnick and I are just a pile of shattered pieces of something. To Peeta and Annie and Clove and Cato we were just pine tree branches on a cherry tree.

Prince Peeta Mellark soon to be married to Duchess Penelope Elegante. Princess Annie Mellark also arranged to be married to King Alejandro Rubio.
Who cares. not Finnick and I. or so I tell myself every night.

The next day Finnick and I practiced for our next contest. We didn't know where it would take place yet. We were doing a jive and a quickstep. Anyway before the next competition we were invited to guest proforma invoices on Dancing with the Stars. Very excited.We will be practicing with two other people tomorrow.

Finnick has been trying to convince me to record the songs I've written. Perhaps someday I will. But I don't want to remember him now that I've almost forgotten him.

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