Chapter 51

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Interesting happy coming up.....
I'll do more questions soon:)

Bella played with the ring that had just been slipped onto her finger.

Ricky laid on the side of her sound asleep with his head in her laps while she was leaning into Luke.

"What's that?" Luke laughed, grabbing Bella's hand and holding it up so he could see the finger, "Oh, it's the promise ring. Where'd you find it?"

Bella yawned, "I dunno, it was in my top draw."

Lucas nodded, kissing the top of his girlfriend's head. "We should put a diamond on that finger soon. A big shiny one."

"An engagement ring?" Bella laughing, saying the two words Luke avoided.

"Yeah, that."

She rolled her eyes, resting her head on Luke's shoulders while she played with Ricky's hair.

"We have to bring him back tomorrow," Bella sighed, twisting a little bit of Ricky's hair around her finger softly. "And I really don't want to."

Luke leaned down, kissing Bella for a few minutes. They pulled a part a bit breathless with small smiles on their faces. "I think we should adopt him. I-I want to."


"But I want to be married first, with a house so he has a room to stay in and and we can, like, get a dog or something. I just want to be a family with you and I want to start big, I want to have everything. Right now, we need to wait. Not long, just a while." Luke rambled, grabbing Bella's face and kissing her again. He pulled a part, "Just a while."

Bella smiled, "Okay. But I think I can only wait a while, not too long."

"I'll marry you tomorrow if you'd like. We'll disappear for a few days and come back married." Luke offered excitedly, "I'd do that for you."

"Not just for me, Luke. I want you to want this to."

He nodded, "I do, I promised.

They looked back over to the TV where Ashton now stood, blocking their movie with his arms crossed.

"No." He said, "No you are not running away with my Bella to marry her."

Luke groaned, rolling his eyes. "Fuck off." He muttered. Bella whacked him with the back of her hands, reminding him that there was a sleeping child next to them.

"If you think Luke's fit to be a father, Bella. Check again." Ashton said.

"He's good with Ricky. I'm marrying Luke, Ashton, and you don't have a say. Especially with all the crap you've pulled lately-"

"I can explain my "crap", Bella, but I don't think Luke can."

"Ashton, stop talking. Now." Luke demanded through his teeth.

"Why? I'm not going to watch you hurt Bella, Luke. That's all your going to do, don't you recall the recent disaster?..."

"Shut the fuck up," Luke cussed, standing up.

"Michael!" Claim called as softly as possible. Ricky shifted but didn't wake up, even when Michael came tiredly stumbling down the stairs. "They're at it again."

The only thing that separated the two was a coffee table.

"Luke, please sit down." Bella begged. He didn't listen, so she stood up with Ricky.

"Mikey, will you quickly take him to my room?"

Michael nodded, grabbing the child and disappearing only for a few seconds.

Bella walking over between Ashton and the table which was the smallest space ever.
"You're scaring me, again. You're both scaring me."

"Bella, Luke-"

"Ashton I swear to god I will hammer your face in. I'll tell her when I need to tell her, now shut up and worry about explaining you're own fucking issues because you hurt her a lot and you're going to make it wore...on her."

"Right now," Ashton spat, lightly pushing Bella to the side so he could lean forward and grab the neck of Luke's shirt, twisting it around his hand. "My daughters my fucking problem you idiot, so fuck off cause I'm telling her."

"Ash, don't." Calum shook his head, "Don't tell her, she doesn't need to know. Luke's right, you're going to hurt her even more. Stop. I think you drank a bit to much, again."

"Drinking," Ashton chuckled deeply, "Doesn't make me forget things, stupid. I know what I'm saying."

"You know what, all of you, I don't care. Please just don't tell me and I swear to God Ashton if you ruin one more good things for me, Luke won't be the only one hammering your face in. I'm going to bed, goodnight." Bella turned away, walking past Michael and Calum to the stairs. As she hit the first step Ashton let it out.

"Luke got a girl knocked up well you were gone."

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