Chapter 13

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"I don't want anything to eat," I repeated. Casey rolled her eyes.

"You don't want to do anything. 'Wanna go in this store? No! How about this store? No' you're a real pain in the ass." Casey mimicked, rolled her eyes and flicking her hair off her shoulder, "I'm eating. I guess you shouldn't eat anyways, you look a lot bigger than in those picture Ash has of you from a few years back."


I barely glanced up at her. I looked down at my body, sighing. I actually had lost a lot of weight. I was definitely far from overly big, she was just trying to get to me...but she was, she had been all day.

I wanted to scream at her on the top of my lungs because I don't think I could physically handle one more mean comment, but for some reason I hadn't said much today. I hadn't even bothered to talk back when she said I shouldn't look at size smalls because they give me jelly rolls, or when a cute boy smiled at me and she laughed for ten minutes because "wow, you actually thought someone would look at you like that.

I didn't say anything and all these comments were weighing down on me and I was slowly sinking into the ground and I wanted to go to bed because she was simply a bully I could not avoid.

You won't tell the boys. Don't tell them. you cant. You're too old to complain now, Bella.

I repeated to myself a few times.

In a daze, I followed Casey over to a Subway set up that was smushed between as Chinese stands and ice cream stand in the food court. I looked over to Starbucks, thinking a cup of tea might be good right now.

"Ugh," I heard Casey groan and my attention fell back on her, "You're so stupid. Didn't you hear me? Hold this."

Her four Victoria's Secret bags were stuffed into my hands while she rambled around for her wallet in her over sized Gucci purse that Ashton had most definitely bought her. I huffed, dropping her bags to the ground and walking towards the middle of the court where Starbucks stood.

I glanced over the tea section of the menu while waiting for the two girls in front of me to get finish ordering. When I stepped forward the girl behind the counter cute off in the middle of me asking from a Chai tea.

"This is so cool! You're Bella Irwin, right?" The girl, who looked about 18 asked. She was my age, so it made sense that she was hip with all this. I mean, if she like the boys three years ago she would've been fifteen and it makes sense... or maybe she doesn't like them.

"Yep," I nodded.

"The fandom is so glad you're back! You're so pretty and we've missed you so much." She smiled. A few steps behind her and older looking woman cleared her throat.

The girl went pale, so I assumed the lady was her manager or something. She quickly cleared her throat, "Sorry, I get side tracked a lot. What would you like to drink?"

I got what I wanted and innocently walked back over to Casey. Being around her scared me for some odd reason, I felt so uneasy around her.

She didn't say anything as I dragged out the seat across from her and sat down. Casey took a big bite of her sandwich, placing it down and staring at it for a second. I heard her gulp her food down before her hand reached up for her drink and she washed the food down.

"Could you stop staring at me?" She rolled her eyes. My eyes widened and I couldn't help but stare a second longer before they flickered away from her.

"W-what were you talking about before?" I managed to muster some courage. I took as shaky and small sip of my tea.

She chuckled. "You're a funny girl."

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