Hours later as I was getting ready for bed my phone rang from its station at the charger.

"Hey, Ash." I said as I answered the phone and put it on speaker so I could finish getting ready as he talked.

"Hey, Carter."He replied, his voice not differing from its usual cheery self. "How was Ender's first day of school?"

"It was good. He had fun and it was nice to see his friends again. He even wants to try out for the soccer team."

"Whoa, really? That's awesome! Maybe Calum can teach him some moves while you guys are here." Ashton suggested.

"Good idea. I'm sure Ender would love that." I smiled. "Speaking of us going there, your mum called me today, and it's okay that you can't pick us up. I know you have to work."

"I'm so sorry about that, I really am. I meant to call you but I had to make the plan adjustments with my mum and then she told me she had already told you. My boss added another meeting to our schedule so I won't get back from Melbourne till a few hours after you get there."

He sounded so apologetic in his speech and I felt bad for being annoyed that he hadn't told me himself. I understood that his job doing whatever it was that he did was time consuming and busy.

"It's okay, really." I assured him. "Your mum sounded quite stressed on the phone, is she alright?"

I felt the need to check up on her, just in case.

"Yes she's fine, just a bit stressed trying to make sure everything's perfect for when you get here. She's literally been planning non stop."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure. And she doesn't need to stress herself out over our visit, we aren't expecting anything."

"I know." He laughed gently. " And this is how she is about everything, trust me."

"Okay." I nodded. "So tell me about your day."

"It was fine. Crazy as usual. Michael and Luke challenged each other to see who could eat the most ice-cream so now they are both sick." He chuckled at the end.

"Wow." I laughed. "Let me guess, did Michael win?"

"Actually it was Luke by two and a half scoops." Ashton snickered.

"Oops." I giggled and he joined in.

"Just think baby...three more days until we see each other." He mused and I could literally hear his smirk.

"Ashton, it's four days." I corrected him with a small giggle.

"Only if you count today." He pointed out with a whiny tone. "And I'm not because then that makes it feel like I get to see you faster."

"Aww." I cooed. "Well I'm excited to see you too."

"Me too, baby, me too."

We chatted on about what I had done today and my plans for the rest of the week until it was late and I knew I had to get up early the next morning to take Ender to school.

"I'll let you get some sleep then, goodnight, babe." Ashton said after I said I needed to go.

"Alright. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night, Ash."

He said goodnight one more time then I hung up, placing my phone on my nightstand and turning on my alarm.

I fell asleep that night knowing that in four nights and three days I would get to see my wonderful boyfriend again.



I slammed my hand down on the alarm and groaned at the intrusion of my sleep but instead of dreading the day to come, my body tingled with excitement and anticipation.

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