Chapter 18

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The day passed slowly, every single one of us moaning and complaining about our headaches. Thank God the flight back to L.A was scheduled for tomorrow at 12. My hangover was almost gone, bright lights making me wince every now and then, little pains in the head every few minutes.

And that's where my thoughts creeped in. I didn't have anywhere to stay. I didn't have a house, I might have a modeling job, but that was it. 

I swear Logan had been reading my mind because he knocked on my door frame, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Hey." I chirped, a smile growing on my face.

"Hi, Carter. I have a question to ask you." Logan said, nervously, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"Mhm?" I prompted, wondering what he could be asking. He sat on the edge of my bed and looked me in the eye. 

"Well, I know you have no where to go back erm- I was wondering...will you move in with me?" He stammered out.

Did I hear him right? I sat there, opening my mouth to say something but no words came out. Finally, I realized he was waiting for an answer.

"Yes!" I squealed, jumping up and wrapping my arms around him/ He chuckled and hugged me back.

"Better start backing." He said, smiling, pulling away from the hug. I squeal again, realizing I had lot's of packing to do and kiss his cheek, shoving him out the door. I close the door behind him and put my phone on the portable dock. If I Ruled The World came on and I danced around, singing a bit. After a few songs my clothes were packed, minus my pajamas and clothes for tomorrow.

I kept all my make up and bathroom utilities out, I packed up my shoes, except for a pair of flip flops. It was around 8:30 when I got in the shower. I spent a good 30 minutes in there, just thinking.

2 months ago, life was a nightmare. I was scared to wake up, scared to talk. I was terrified of every living person. Now, I have 4 best friends, a wonderful boyfriend, I've been all over the US on tour with my boyfriend, and I was moving in with him soon.

The downside? Ryan was still here. He's called me a total of three times now. Each time offering a new plan. I didn't want to go back to him. But, if I didn't Logan and the guys are dead. That's what life was like, well at least for me. 

I turned off the water and squeezed out my hair. A few minutes later I was in my pajamas, ready for bed. I turned off the lights and got in bed. I stared at the ceiling, thinking, until I drifted into sleep.


"Welcome to Los Angeles!" Kendall said, spreading his arms in a 'ta-da' gesture. We were at LAX. 

I lifted up my sunglasses to look around. "This is nice." I said, dragging out the 'i'. I grabbed Logan's hand, intertwining our fingers, smiling at him.

"You're gonna love it here." James says, picking up Fox.

We said our good byes, planning to meet up for breakfast for tomorrow morning.

"Ready to see your new home?" Logan said, putting our bags in the trunk of his camaro. I got in the passenger side and he started the car, pulling out of the parking lot. We turned on a few roads before we reached a neighborhood. The houses were big and fancy.

Logan turned into a black paved driveway and I studied the big house. It was 2 stories with brick in the front, tan shudders on the side and back. The windows had grey shutters and there was a small porch leading to a light blue door.

"Go look inside." Logan said, tossing me a key. I unlocked the door and walked through the whole house. The kitchen was nice and cozy with wooden appliances, a matching white set sink, dish washer, fridge, and oven. The living room had a huge L-shaped couch and a coffee table. There was a guest room, the dining room, and stairs leading to the basement. The basement had a theatre room with a glow in the dark floor and a game room.

 Upstairs was another bathroom, a recording room, a office, and 2 bedrooms. I was guessing with all the rooms, the guys stayed over often.

"This is your room." Logan said, coming into the room behind me, along with 2 of my bags. The room had a twin size bed with green sheets and a comforter. There was a white desk, along with a white dresser with a flat screen on it. There was a walk in closet and my own bathroom. I couldn't ask for more.

"Thank you, Logie!" I bubbled, hugging him. I was literally the most thankful person ever.

"I'm going to get the rest of your bags. You can settle in. Dinner's at 6." He chuckled before leaving the room.

I started unpacking the 2 bags I had. Logan dropped off the rest. I hung up my jeans and jackets, hanging them up, and folded my shirts and shorts, putting them on the shelves. Two hours later, I had finished unpacking my clothes. I put my shoes on the shoe rack and walked back to get my bag. 

Inside I found the card, the one Emily had written. I knew what I would do. Modeling would get me money, get me a job. I might be able to pay for college even. I dialed the number, listening to the ring.

"Hello?" Emily's voice asked. 

"I'd like to take you up on the offer, you know, of being a model." I started but she started talking.

"Oh great! Text me your email and I'll send you the details. Of course, you'll have to get some head shots done. Wait, where are you now?" She told me.

"In L.A. I moved here with the guys." I said, nervous about whether it would affect anything.

"Oh perfect! I actually live there. I'll fly in tomorrow and we can get your head shots done. I promise, youa re going to be big in the modeling industry!" She chirped.

"Okay thank you, Emily." I said.

"Call me Em." She laughed, hanging up. The way she was made me wonder how old she was.

I texted her my email and pulled up my laptop. I signed in and clicked on the email.

I filled out the online form, along with all the additional information. I clicked send and walked to Logan's room. He was sitting on his bed, watching TV.

"Hey, how's it like moving in?" He asked when he noticed I was there.

"Good. I called Emily, the girl who was at the photoshoot. She's going to try and get me a modeling job." I said, smiling at the end.

"Oh, that's great!" He smiled. 

"Yeah, well I have to go take a shower before dinner." I said, waving lightly before going back to my room.

I took a shower, ate dinner, unpacked my back pack, watched some TV, and looked at the pictures from the photoshoot.

My mind wandered, wondering why Logan let me move in with him. If only he knew what was happening with Ryan. That he would take me away.


 Logan's POV

After dinner, Carter had gone back to her room, to talk to that Emily girl. I was happy for her, to have something to do. She really enjoyed that photo shoot. I was on my laptop, thinking of a song title, lyrics, anything. I had to write at least on song by myself for the new album and I just couldn't get it.

I smiled when the Skype symbol popped up and the little ringing noise was made. My smile was even bigger when I saw the name. 

I clicked answer.

"Logan!! Oh my gosh, I miss you!" Her voice said when she saw me.  She smiled widely.

"Hey, Demi! We haven't talked in a while..." 

Kinda a cliff hanger.... what did ya think? On the side is The Rusher Song :) Haha Logan's hair. Check it out!

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Q- ermmmm.... whats your favorite name(besides your own)

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