Chapter 8

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Carter's POV

After I blacked out the only thing I saw were memories. My 6th birthday. My first trip to Disney World with my mom and dad. Promoting from 5th to 6th grade. Winter Formal. Getting my first puppy. Graduating 8th grade. Moving to Texas. Meeting Logan. Winning the Cheerleading Championship. Logan's and mine first date. Homecoming. Logan and I visiting his grandma wit his family. Our 1 year anniversary. Cloud watching. My sister's wedding, where Logan and I danced as he sung quietly to me. All these little things. Prom. Logan and I graduating together, along with my best friend, Valerie. The car ride to the airport, boarding the plane, and falling asleep. Waking up with the alarms blaring and Logan and I saying "I love you" before we were separated. He wasn't lying. I loved him and he loved me. We were together again, as long as I lived. Then I faded to reality. It felt as if I was in a coma. I couldn't wake up but could hear everything around me. "I-I'm sorry Carter. I'm sorry for everything." I heard Logan say. 'It's not your fault Logan. I love you.' I tried saying but my voice wouldn't work. "I didn't mean for this to happen. Maybe if I hadn't tried to tell you, we would be having a Nerf gun fight." He said. I tried moving and it worked. I gasped and opened my eyes to see a surprised Logan. "Logan," I said, glaring with a plan in mind. His eyes showed fear and his face showed hurt. I laughed. "Shut up and kiss me, you dork. I've missed you these past 2 years." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and sitting up before crashing our lips together. He kissed back immediately and pulled me close. I wince as pain shot through my ribs. I ignored it and Logan pulled away. "Your remember?" He said breathlessly. "I remember, Logie Bear." I said smiling. He smiled back and hugged me. "I missed you so much." He said and I winced. He pulled away. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My ribs, but it's fine." I said, shaking it off. He frowned but then smiled. "I can't wait for the guys to get back. They're going to be happy." Logan said and we smiled. "Yeah," I began, my smile fading. "Logan, there's something I need to tell you before they get back." I said. He looked at me, waiting for an answer. "Before you found me, while I was at the orphanage, there was a guy named Ryan. He-" I said but was cut off when the guys walked in.

"CARTER!" Kendall yelled and ran towards me. He hugged me, smiling. I winced as pain shot through my ribs. He didn't notice. Logan's eyebrows were furrowed. I could tell he wanted me to finish what I had been saying. "Hey Kendall." I said, smiling back. "Carter, Carter, Carter, Carter!" Carlos said, jumping up and down. "Wazzzaa!?" I said. Carlos hugged me, lightly. "You're awake!" He said. "Mhm!" I said, a proud smile on my face. "It's going to take a lot more than a car to take me down." My eyes flickered to the brown hair boy standing off to the side and my smile faltered. He]is lips slowly turned up into a smile, which I returned. "Hi James." I said. "Hey Carter. Glad your awake." He said, not moving from his spot. Just then the doctor walked in.

James' POV

Seeing Logan so upset and seeing Carter all wrapped up made me realize. So what she has a secret? Everybody does. Even me. I'm keeping my relationship with Halston a secret from the Rushers, though I think they're catching on. I guess it's no different than Carter. The doctor walked in and went over everything. Carter had a sprained foot, 3 broken ribs, and a sprained wrist. Her head had 2 stitches from where she hit the road. Logan sat next to Carter, holding her hand. Kendall, Carlos, and I noticed at the same time. "Wait." Kendall said. "What's this?" Carlos said, gesturing to their hands. The biggest smile formed on Carter's face. "I remember." She said, looking at Logan, who was smiling back. It was obvious how they were acting that they were in love, even after the episode without each other. They were head over heels for each other, like me an Halston. Everything would work out. The doctor came in during us talking with a pair of crutches. "Looks like you can go home. Here's your crutches. Just sign this and you can go." The doctor said. Carter signed the paper and the doctor left. "You ready to go?" Logan asked her. She nodded happily before her eyes scrunched up. "What's wrong?" Loans asked worriedly before Carter sneezed. "Bless you." We all said simultaneously. "Just a sneeze." She said, laughing. Logan helped her up and onto the crutches. She practiced walking and eventually got the hang of it. "Can I change?" She asked, gesturing to the clothes on the chair next to Carlos. He handed them to her and she went into the bathroom. She came out 10 minutes later, dressed, her hair combed, her crutches under her arms. "Lets go." She said, smiling. We walked out of the room, to the elevator, and out of the hospital. I walked to the car, the two love birds in front of me.

Ahhh! I finally posted! I know it's on hold but I feel like ya'll deserve a new chapter :) Remember, this is during the Summer Tour, not right now. I'm trying to catch it up to 2013 so ya!


And please, bear with me until I finish editing wtfibtrioa! Might be a while till I post k? k. 

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