Chapter 9

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Carter's POV

Another concert tonight, the at Virginia Beach, but I'm stuck backstage, instead of in the crowd. I was chilling in an extra dressing room. My leg propped up on the couch where I was laying. My brown hair was fanned out around me, a few strands laying in my face. I huffed out a sigh, much rather be skateboarding or watching the show. I smiled to myself, thinking of the time Logan taught me to skateboard. It was when we were still friends, no dating.

I smiled at Logan as he did a flip. I adjusted his Batman snapback on my head, flipping my side bangs. I had on ripped, dark jean, short shorts and a white tank top with the Batman signal. I had on my red varsity jacket and my black hi-top converse. "Come on, Carter Cat! Your turn!" Logan said, skating to a stop next to me. "Er, I don't know.." I said, nervously. If I couldn't ride a bike without falling and scraping my knee. I don't know how I'd survive a skateboard with no helmet. "Aw come on! Please, Carter? I'll teach you." Logan said, hopping off the board. I sighed, putting my hands in my back pocket. "I don't know, Logie Bear." I said, cocking my head to the side. "Stop being a sissy." He teased. I stuck out my tongue and crossed my arms over my chest. "Fine." I said, dragging out the 'e'. Logan cheered and I laughed at him, "Okay, well first, you put your right foot here, and your left foot here." He said, showing me. I nodded. "And to stop you move your weight to your back foot. To go, you use your left foot to gain speed and push off." Logan said, showing me. "Now it's your turn." He said, excitement in his voice. I stepped on and tripped, falling. Before I hit the ground, Logan caught me. " For now, just try to keep your balance." He said, helping me back on. His hands gripped my waist. "Promise you won't let go?" I said, nervously. "Promise, Carter." He replied with a smile.

And he didn't let go until I snapped at him to let me go so I could skate. I ended up using Logan's old one and we skated till the sun went down. I smiled, remembering when Logan and I got in trouble for skateboarding in school. My stomach growled, interrupting my thoughts. Time for food. I saw a mini fridge in the corner, besides the vanity. I turned and sat up, holding my foot of the ground. I hopped over to the fridge and opened it, balancing on the wall. Hmm. I dug through and found a Pink Lemonade and cheered. No one was here to stop me. I grabbed that and a pre-wrapped turkey, cheese, lettuce, and mayo sandwich. I closed the fridge with my elbow, considering my good hand held my food and the other was sprained. and hopped back to the couch- failing miserably . I fell face first onto the ground. The other fail was when I caught myself with my sprained wrist. I cursed and bit my lip, holding back the tears. "Fork." I muttered to myself. My ankle was fine but my wrist and ribs were hurting. I slowing got up using my good hand and used the table to steady myself. I bent down and picked up my drink and sandwich and hopped to the couch. I ate and started drinking the lemonade. My hands were tapping the side of the couch, my foot shaking. Note to everyone reading this: Pink lemonade makes me hyper. And I mean it. I get all loopy and hyper like I'm high. I started playing with my hair, giggling at nothing. The boys walked in, me in mid laughter. They all had towel around their necks, a water bottle, and were covered in sweat. "What are you laughing at?" Logan said, giving me a weird look. "Nothing, silly!" I said, hitting him playfully on the arm. "Why is she like this?" Kendall asked. "Oh no." Logan groaned, coming to realization. "I had pink lemonade!" I squealed, throwing my arms in the air. "Pink lemonade?" James asked, like I had 2 heads. "Pink lemonade." Logan sighed. "Does that stuff make her hyper?" Carlos asked as I started shaking my leg. "Mhm!" I said, happily. Logan laughed at me. "We gotta go take showers. You can stay here till we're done or head to the bus." Logan said. "Okay. See ya." I said, kissing his cheek. "Oh, and right when we're done we have to start heading for Raleigh." Carlos said. The next concert was in North Carolina. Him and the guys filed out, leaving me alone. I was bored of the room and decided to head back to the bus. I got my crutches and slid my phone into my back pocket. I started down the hall, already used to them. I told Ranel I was going to the bus and he gave me the spare key. I went outside and opened the door to Tour Bus #2. I went inside and locked the door behind me. I set the keys on the counter. I'll have to remember to give those to Ranel. I turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. Pitch Perfect was on and I clicked on it, selecting the movie. It was just starting. Logan and Kendall came back from the showers, announcing we were leaving for the next state. I shushed them immediately and sent them back to the bunks. Logan came back out half way through the movie. He grabbed a bag of chips and sat on the couch next to me. He poked my stomach and I squealed, flinching. "Stop it! I'm watching a movie!" I snapped, hitting his arm. He laughed and poked my stomach again. I laughed and he started tickling me. His fingers squeezed my stomach, tickling me. "S-s-stop!" I said, trying to catch my breath. "Say please." Logan said. I was getting tired of this. And I couldn't stop laughing. I HATED to be tickled. "P-p-ple-please." I managed to get out. "Say 'Logan is the best'" He said. Really, Logan? Really? As soon as this cast comes off someones getting their butt kicked. "L-l-l-l-log-lo-log-an i-is the b-best." I stuttered out and his arms left my stomach. I gasped for air. As my breathing returned to normal I took the pillow beside me and whacked Logan in the head. "What was that for?!" He said, fixing his hair. "For tickling me." I replied. He rolled his eyes and I stuck my tongue out at him. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Sure. Your choice." I said. Logan chose a movie and put it in the TV. He sat back down and put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder and focused on the TV.

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