Chapter 2

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"I-I don't even know my own parents! Or where I lived! And don't even remember you!" She cried. As tears fell down her face I wiped them away. As she cried realization dawned on me. "You've got amnesia." I said, shock in my voice.


"I'm taking you to the doctors." I decided, standing up. "The doctors? How do I know I can trust you?" She asked, suddenly cautious. "You can trust me, because I l-want to help you. I promise I won't leave you." I said. I had almost said love. She nodded and then smiled. I missed her smile. And her voice. I just missed her. "Now, come on. I want you to meet some people." I said, standing up. She did the same and we walked over to where Kendall, James, and Carlos were waiting. "Guys. Meet Carter." I said. They all looked up, shocked. Carlos dropped his sandwich, Kendall and James staring. "Her and I are f-friends. She has amnesia so we are taking her to the hospital." I said. "Um okay." Kendall said, speaking before everyone else. We threw away the trash and walked out to the car. James drove us to the hospital and we walked in. "We believe she has amnesia and we would like to get her checked out." I told the receptionist. We waited in the waiting room until they called Carter. I went with her, since I promised I wouldn't leave her. "So what's happened?" The doctor asked, when he walked in. "I- um." I said. I looked at Carter. I can't let her know yet. I pulled the doctor into the hallway. "That's my girlfriend. 2 years ago, we got in a plane crash and she went missing. Everyone figured she was dead. I ran into her at McDonalds and all she remembers is flashes of the crash and her name." I told the doctor. We went back inside. "Okay, we are going to do an x-ray for any damage. We might be able  to figure out why your memory hasn't came back." The doctor said. He gave Carter a robe thingy and took her into the x ray room, me watching from the outside. She laid on the table and the machine took the pictures. "You can go wait back in the room, until I look these over." He said and Carter and I went back to the room. She sat on the bed, swinging her legs back and forth. "Logan?" She asked. I looked up from my phone. "Yeah?" I asked. "I don't have anywhere to go after this. I- I ran away from my foster home." She said, biting her lip. Before I knew what I was doing I said, "Go on tour with us." "You can stay on mine and Kendall's bus." I added. She watched me, thinking. "I trust you Logan. You are so nice and I barely know you." She said. I winced when she said the last part. "I'll go with you Logan. But can I tell you a secret?" She asked. "Go ahead." I said, smiling. "I-" She began but the doctor walked in at that time. "Good news. There is nothing wrong, no damage. But we can't figure out why you still can't remember anything." He said to Carter. "We can give you some medicine that you have to take once a day. It should help bring back some of your memory. If your memory doesn't come back, then I'm sorry but we won't be able to do anything." The doctor said and we nodded. "You can go now." The doctor said, handing Carter some medicine. We walked out to everyone where they were waiting. 'We can go. They gave Carter some medicine to see if it will help." I told the guys. "Thanks." Carter said, smiling at us. "We should probably get going. Ranel's going to freak, Also, we need to get to DC. White House tomorrow, remember?" Kendall said. "Oh yeah!" Carlos said. "Oh um okay. But one thing, before we go.." I said. They all looked at me. "Carter's coming with us on tour." I said, looking at her. "What?" James asked. They all grabbed my arm, pulling me away from her. "Before you say no she has no home! Her parents haven't talked to me in forever and are in England. She doesn't have anyone! And what if she remembers?" I said. I looked at them, begging for them to say yes. "Fine." Kendall said, "Well this is going to be fun." James said sarcastically. Carlos smacked his arm. "Don't you want Halston on tour? I know the answers yes so be quiet." He said. James kept quiet and we walked back over to Carter. "Welcome to the tour." Carlos said, hugging her. "Yeah." Kendall said, hugging her too. "Welcome to tour." I said, smiling. No I didn't hug her. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around me. She hugged me. We left and went back to the hotel. Ranel yelled at us for an hour before he realized Carter was there. Before he could get mad I dragged him over and into the kitchen. "She's my girlfriend. We lost contact after a plane crash and she has amnesia. She is going on tour with us." I said, before turning and walking away. We all decided to head in and I gave Carter one of my t-shirts and sweatpants. She changed her clothes and took her medicine. I was setting down her blanket when she said "I wasn't alone! During the plane crash, someone was there, holding me. We were going on vacation." I blinked, looking at her astonished and happy. A grin spread across my face. "Oh really? Well I'm heading to bed. You can sleep here. If you need anything I'm the 2nd door on the left." I said and went to my room. I got in bed, thinking about Carter. I had found her and she didn't even remember me.

Soooo I decided to post :) BUT I HAVE LIKE NO IDEAS! So please, don't get mad if I don't post till next week cuz I need time to brainstorm and type! Get the book to 150 reads and 3 votes for the chapter? :) xx

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