Chapter 16

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Carter's POV

We were now in Monterrey. We arrived around 6 this morning because I remember waking up when the engine cut off. It somehow lulled me to sleep each night. I checked my phone, 9:15. I pulled back the curtain and peaked out. Everyone was still sleeping. I got up and stretched, making those weird noises people make when they stretch.

I walked into my bathroom. Logan and Kendall shared one and I luckily had one to myself. I closed the door and locked it. I did my business and brushed out my hair. I brushed my teeth and walked to the kitchen area. No one was up yet, still.

I poured myself some cereal and sat down and ate. I washed my bowl out and put it in the sink. I was messing on my phone, standing in the middle of the kitchen. I jumped when a pair of hands gripped my waist, pulling me close.

"Good morning, babe." Logan said, kissing my neck. I turned around and placed a kiss on his lips.

"Morning." I said against his lips. I went to wrap my arms around his neck and heard the sound of a curtain being pulled back. I pecked his lips and pushed him away just as Kendall came in. Logan smirked at me and I sent him a wink. They at their breakfast while I closed the curtain to the bunks, pulling my clothes out of my suitcase.

"Don't come back here! I'm changing!" I called through the curtain. I heard Kendall and Logan talking.

I pulled on my dark denim shorts and slipped on my white lace crop top, zipping up the gold zipper. I put on my gold charm bracelet that had two charms. It was my mothers bracelet and she had one charm from her mother and one from my dad. She gave it to me before Logan and I left. The doctors told me I was wearing it when the stranger who found me, found me. I wore it every once in a while. I brushed my hair through again and put my aviator glasses on my head. I slipped on my white gladiator sandals and opened the curtain.

"Hey, James told me there was a Starbucks around the corner. Want to come with me? No one else wants a coffee." Kendall asked me.

"Sure." I answered. Kendall changed and came back. "Be back soon." I said, kissing Logan's cheek.

I followed Kendall down the steps and we walked side by side on the sidewalk.

"You know, Logan really likes you, right?" Kendall says suddenly.

I look at him. "He does?" I asked.

"Yeah he does." He said, with a smile.

We reached the Starbucks and I ordered an iced vanilla latte. Kendall and I were leaving when we saw flashed and heard people yelling Kendall's and mine's name. They were surrounding the shop.

"Carter are you cheating on Logan with Kendall!?" "Kendall is this your girlfriend?!" "Kendall, is it true you kissed a fan at Mexico City's concert?!" 

"Run!" Kendall said and I ran, following him down the street. They followed us and we hid in an alley. The vans and running paps ran past and we hurried back to the buses. I was out of breath when we got back.

"What happened?" Logan asked, confused. "Paparazzi." I said, falling onto the couch. "Stupid people." Kendall muttered. We just hung out but my head started hurting. I took a pain killer and my stomach started hurting. "I-I'm going to go lay down." I mumbled and went to my bed. My stomach cramped as I got that feeling. I ran to the bathroom and threw up my breakfast.

"Carter?!" Logan said, running in. He held back my hair. "I don't feel so well." I said, resting my head on my arm. Kendall came in with the thermometer. "101.4" Logan said.

I groaned and brushed my teeth. "I'm staying here for the concert." I got up and grabbed my pajamas from last night. I went back to the bathroom and changed. I came back out and Logan and Kendall were waiting.

"We have to go. Interview, then sound check, and then the concert." Logan told me.

"Okay. Have fun." I said, hugging him.

"Text me if you need anything." He told me before they left.

I grabbed my pillow and blanket and laid out on the couch. I turned the TV on and went  through the guide. I found The Notebook, one of my favorite movies and put it on. I finished that movie and finished the first season of Big Time Rush before I got hungry. I found some strawberry's in the fridge and ate those. I fixed myself some hot tea and added sugar. I put my hair up in a sloppy bun, getting it out if the way. I sat cross legged on the couch, drinking my tea and thinking. I still needed a job, to pay for everything the guys have bought me, to buy a house, to make a living. I still had college to go to. And that got me thinking. What should I be when I grow up? I got my laptop and opened it.

I pulled up Microsoft and started making a "I Owe.." list for how much money I owed the guys. Then, I started making a list of what I could be. It ended up like this:


-singer (yeah right)

-seaworld worker?

-writer (if I was creative enough)


-english teacher

And that's how it was. I got on Twiiter, sighing. They had finally found out I was dating Logan. Hate, hate, more hate, spam, hate, a nice comment, hate. That's how it was. I smiled when I came across a tweet from Logan.

@1loganhenderson: It's true. I'm dating @KittyCarterx. I love you :)

I clicked on reply and wrote,

@KittyCarterx: @1loganhenderson love you too xx

I pressed send and pulled up my tumblr. I had made one at the orphanage and didn't get on that much. I spent an hour on that before I got tired. I closed my laptop and laid down, falling asleep.


I woke up to my phone ringing. I fumbled to find it for a few moments before clicking accept.

"Hello?" I mumbled, tiredly.

"Ah, Carter. I've missed your voice." The voice on the other line said.

I froze. I was to shocked to say anything. I was too scared to do anything.

"R-Ryan?" I stuttered out, sitting up. "So, you remember me?" He says. How could I after everything you've done to me? My silence signaled for him to go on.

"Well I just wanted to check up on you." He said.

"O-okay." I said, knowing there was more.

"See you soon, baby doll." He said, before the phone clicked. See you soon. His words kept repeating in my head. But just how soon until he got me?

Was that short? idk. The next chapter is SUPER long, promise :)

Q: Favorite fanfics?? (i need some to read!)

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