Chapter 9

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AN: I understand why Roth killed Tris but I wish she didn't. So, as a fan of fan-fictions, I found solace in many fics with alternate endings or a fourth book or something along those lines.

But I wanted a personalized fourth book. Which I will write as a fanfic. The stories still belong to Veronica. It's just to get over the ending. It's a fanfic. I have no rights over the characters, just the plot.




"How?" Christina asked looking at Will with wide eyes.

"George!" Tori ran to her brother. I felt bad for them. Tori thought George was dead for so long and when we found out he was still alive, well, she died. So tragic.

Will and Chris stood facing each other as the battled with their inner self about what to do.

Uriah and Zeke were having a really loud reunion. Shauna hugged Marlene and Lynn tightly.

I felt a warm feeling swell up in my belly and snuggled into Tobias's arms looking at my friends and held Caleb's hand.

I'd forgiven him for all he had done a long time ago and over the last few days I finally understood him.

Caleb did what he thought was for the best, I couldn't hold it above him.

"So. Do you mind explaining?" Amar asked.

"You may want to sit down." Caleb suggested.

It took all of us a while to settle down around Tobias's spacious living room and when we were all seated everyone looked at me expectantly.

"Hey! I was dead. Ask these two!" I exclaimed pointing at Caleb and Cara.

"How is this possible?" Shauna asked.

"Well, after Beatrice died, I began researching, together Cara and I came up with the Life Serum. It restarts a body, heals it from the inside. It took quite some time to come up with the right formula. It was very complicated. We founded a group called Resurgent. We worked on the Life Serum but that wasn't enough, we needed to give them time to heal." Caleb said.

"We found as many bodies as we could and injected the serum. Many people came back to life. But it didn't work on everyone. Resurgent isn't just about the life serum. Our goal is to overthrow the Bureau. They are oppressive, trying to control everyone. Chicago might be free but there are so many places suffering from the same thing we once did. You didn't see the condition of people in Miami. They're living in poverty. If the Bureau thinks you're not a threat or a successful experiment, you're not worth anything. Our headquarters is in Miami. We have to go back. Soon we will go after the Bureau." Cara said.

"What? You can't oppose the Bureau. We have an agreement with them. They leave us alone if we don't mess with them." Tobias said.

"Maybe you should see what those people in Miami suffer from." Caleb said.

"The Bureau is trying to control everyone. It's not right." I say.

"Tris." Chris starts.

"They think only they are right. They created the war between GP's and GD's. We need to stop them. They're going to end up destroying this world if we don't stop them. They might not all be like David but they all have one thing in common, they think they're always right. And they're terribly wrong. We need to stop them." I say.

"Tris. I just got you back. I can't lose you again." Tobias says.

"I can't sit around and see the world get destroyed. I'm not suicidal Tobias but I don't think I can just sit on the side-lines as our world crumbles." I say. I could see the argument bubbling in him but he knew me well enough to know that there was no way he'd change my mind.

"Then I stand by you. Fight by your side." He says. I knew he hadn't used a gun since I died so I knew it was a huge deal. I kissed him before paying attention to everyone else.

"We will tell Johanna and the other politicians and they can tell the public if they want but this is a private research and no one has the rights to use it without permission from us. We plan on using it for the casualties of the coming war. And I think our government should know." Caleb says.

This seemed more reasonable. Though the thought of the world knowing about the life serum, that freaked me out. What if it got into the wrong hands?

What if I lost Tobias again?

Was this a bad idea?

Even if it was, I couldn't not try to help the world. I was still Abnegation through and through.

AN: So, how was it? Please Review and let me know your views. Comment please. I just finished writing the last chapter so updates will be more frequent! And please review! Your comments inspire me. R&R!

I hope you all are enjoying the story. Please check the two links on my author's page for the cover and tell me if you like the red better or the yellow one.

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