Chapter 3

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AN: I understand why Roth killed Tris but I wish she didn't. So, as a fan of fan-fictions, I found solace in many fics with alternate endings or a fourth book or something along those lines.

But I wanted a personalized fourth book. Which I will write as a fanfic. The stories still belong to Veronica. It's just to get over the ending. It's a fanfic. I have no rights over the characters, just the plot.




I was dead for over a year?

"Caleb. That's not possible." I start.

"Tris. We are going to scatter your ashes." He says.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"The idea came to me right after you died so I hid your body in the ruse of cremating it. The ashes aren't yours. It wasn't human ashes. It's not just yours. Cara and I tried to get as many people we could. We'd been working on the life serum for over a year when it finally worked. But your bodies weren't strong enough to come back. We managed to heal your physical wounds easily with medicine but the other wounds were harder to work with, but we did. And now you're back." He said smiling.

"How many others?" I ask.

"Not many. We could only find a few. Tori, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, a few Abnegation bodies we could manage to gather, and other faction casualties too." He says.

"Caleb. It can't be that easy." I say.

"Beatrice. I couldn't. You were my only family. How do you think I felt? I kept thinking about the death serum, then it hit me, there was a possibility, even if it was remote, that you could come back to us. And I just had to try. I couldn't just bring you back, I knew you'd feel guilty. I had to bring Uriah back too, so before they could cremate his body, I managed to change the dead bodies. Cara is the only person who knows everything. We've been working on this nonstop for two years. We have help but they don't know the details." He said.

"But Caleb. It's not natural to play with death. If we keep bringing people back, then death will be impossible. It's like the GP and GD's again. We're going against nature. And who are we to decide who gets to live?" I ask.

"But Tris. It doesn't work for everyone. It didn't work on mom and dad. It's like their bodies rejected the serum, I think it only works on people who haven't crossed on. I don't know what happens after death but whatever it is Tris, you weren't there, you were stuck." He says.

"We can't announce the serum. We have to hide its existence." I say.

"Tris, secrets were the downfall of our society the last time." He says.

"But this could be dangerous. We have no idea what exactly happened." I say.

"Let's discuss this later. Tris, you need time to heal. Then we can go back to Chicago." He said.

"We're not in Chicago?" I ask.

"No. We're in Miami right now. It's another city, it's a little far away from Chicago, well hours away. The Bureau keeps a close eye there so the Resurgent headquarters is here." He says.

"What's resurgent?" I ask.

"Resurgence is the experiment we're doing. Trying to bring you to life. And I'm glad it's successful." He says.

"When can I see Tobias?" I ask all of a sudden.

"In a few weeks. We need to run a few tests, check your vitals, see how you're coping. You're the first to wake up." He says smiling "Cara's been waiting for Will to wake up for so long. I think she was losing hope until you woke up."

"Can I get out of the bed? Could you please remove these thingies please?" I beg pointing to the needles in my arm.

"Not yet. You'll be in bed for a few days. You need to get used to breathing on your own." He says making me realize there is a tube sticking into my nose.

Oh great.

AN: So, how was it? Please Review and let me know your views. Comment please. If there are five comments I'll update tomorrow! Your comments inspire me. R&R!

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