Chapter 26: I've Been Thinking...

Start from the beginning

“So, we get to keep these clothes?” Natalie and Katie ask, holding up the clothes I’ve ‘donated’ to them. I just didn’t have room for them, and figured I never wear them anyways, so there’s no point going there and bringing them along, just to never wear them. It’s funny though, almost a full suitcase is just shoes, I guess I do have a lot of shoes, but again, I gave some of my shoes away as well.

“Yes, they are all yours… Until I want them back.” I joke. Natalie’s phone buzzes, and she makes a grunt.

“Look who’s made it on Perez Hilton’s blog.” Natalie sighs, showing me her phone.

“’Harry Styles, already seen as the ‘flirt’ of the group, is now dating Savannah Day. Savannah is known for being that girl that got kidnapped, and had Harry get shot in the process. Now, Savannah has been seen intoxicatingly drunk at the new celebrity club. Is Savannah only bad news?’” I finish quoting Perez. “You know, I always liked reading his blog, but to be on it, that’s a different story.” I mumble while shaking my head.

“That’s one thing I hate about these blogs, and magazines, they don’t know the person they’re trashing on.” Katie says.

“Well, I like these blogs, thus the reason I just got a ping from the blog. But, Katie’s right, they have no right to trash people they don’t even know.” Natalie says.

“It’s fine.” I tell them, and they both give me a look. “I’ve learned to deal with the hate and shit like that. It’s like that saying; ‘don’t judge because you don’t know their story’. Well, that’s what I remember. They don’t know me, so I can’t let them affect me, because they shouldn’t be judging. All they see is what you show them, they don’t see the real person beyond all your walls.” I pause. “Now, do you guys want to sleepover today, and tomorrow?”

“Yes!” Natalie and Katie shriek.


Natalie, Katie and I were all on my couch, doing nothing but watching horror movies. We all loved them, and the thing I liked was I never got scared.

“What’s next?” Natalie asks, getting up, and taking out Nightmare on Elm Street.

“What else do I have?” I asked, I knew I had a giant collection of horror movies, but we had already watched quite a few.

“There’s,” Natalie started, looking through my pile. “Final Destination, It, Friday the 13th, Scream, Childs Play…” Katie and I looked at each other simultaneously, knowing what we were going to say.

“Childs play!” Katie and I screamed at Natalie.

“Haven’t you two seen this movie like twenty thousand times?” Natalie asks, and Katie and I nod.

“Just like you’ve seen the Scream movies more than a thousand times,” I tell Natalie. They were her favourite horror movies, and I couldn’t say they weren’t mine as well. I loved them, they were by far the funniest scary movie I have ever seen, you’d watch them, and couldn’t help laughing.

“Fine.” Natalie said, putting Childs Play into the DVD player.  She sat back with us, and we made room on the couch. We were all under the same blanket, and we all also had popcorn and chips in our laps. The movie started up, the first ten minutes isn’t my favourite part, its where the serial killer puts his soul into the Good Guy doll. I think that’s what I found the most ironic about this movie the bad guy is in the body of a ‘good’ guy.

“Look, look, look!” I say pointing to the kid on the screen. “Andy is so cute! I want a kid as cute as him.”

“Katie dear, Savannah mixed with Harry, do you think they’d have a kid as cute as Andy up on the screen?” Natalie jokes.

“I don’t know, this lovely website might tell us though.” Katie says, going onto ‘Morph Thing’ on her phone. “Look at this cutie!” Katie says showing what Harry and I’s child – If we ever had one – would look like. I have to admit, it is pretty cute. (A/N what their child would look like, on the side)

“Ya, ya, okay, back to the movie, Chucky’s about to kill the aunt!” I tell them, and they all shut up.

The rest of the night was amazing – no AmaZAYN. We watched a lot more horror movies, some being: Saw, Friday the 13th, Freddy vs. Jason, and of course, Scream. It was about 5am when we finally went to sleep, but oh well, I only ever need around four hours of sleep anyways. I couldn’t believe it, the day after tomorrow, or today I guess whatever floats your boat.

(A/N, so everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm pretty sure, I'm just going to have two(or three) chapters after this one, and then I'll be starting the sequel. BTW everyone, I do read some of Perez' blog, and I realise  it's not bashing people all the time, but pretend it is. You know, pretend he has something against Savannah, okay? Also, hope you enjoyed me talking about Chucky, and that WAAAAAAAAY cute kid Andy.(I realise that's not the persons real name, and I also realise that person would be older than me.. But I'm talking about a movie) lol anyways, hope you enjoyed.)

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