Chapter 8: I Have a Week to Live?

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Chapter 8: I have a week to live?

I wake up in the chair the next morning, my eyes flutter open. My heart pounding, I'm going to die of starvation! I hear sets of footsteps along the ground, and close my eyes, trying to keep them lightly shut, and not forced shut. I hear them, they're close. So, I continue to play died - or for this matter asleep.

"How long are we going to keep her here?" Gas station guy asks.

"A couple more days, relax, she's been here for maybe two days now. Then if we don't get what we want, the trigger gets pulled." Skank says. Wait, what? She wants to kill me? I don't want to die! What do they want? My heart starts pounding harder.

"She's not going to say anything about lover boy!" Pervert says. How can I answer their questions if I don't even know their names? I feel like I'm on the verge of tears again, for the third time in the last four days, I used to never cry! I only knew Harry for like five days! We didn't talk really about personal stuff yet! I mean, come on, we shouldn't have been really even dating yet!

I hear a pair of footsteps come close to me. A hand places down on the tape that's on my mouth. Ah, shit, I know what's going to happen.

The tapes ripped off my mouth, my eyes gilt open and I want to scream because of how much it hurts. I go to touch my mouth, but again, my arms are tied behind my back.

"Ah, finally you're awake." The blonde says.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" I ask them, the bottom half of my face still burning. She laughs a little, and I see she's change her outfit to something less hoe-like.

"You have information..."

"Information, About what?" I ask sounding clueless. She smacks me across the face.

"Don't play dumb." I'm again close to tears.

"What do you want?" I ask trembling. When, and if I ever get out of here, I'm going to be bruised from head to toe, there's no doubt in my mind that I won't.

"Answers..." Says gas station guy, wait no doll face?

"I'll answer your question, I will! Bu-u-t, who are you?"

"Ok..." She pauses. "Name's aren't really important, but you can refer to me as Rebekah and, him as Connor" She says well pointing at gas station guy. I know, these aren't their real names most likely, but it's nice to know them as something other than gas station guy/perve and stank.

"What is it you want me to answer?" I ask, my voice sounds raspy because of how dry my throat is, due to the fact I haven't had water, food, and also, I haven't gone to the washroom in about two days.

I hadn't noticed 'Connor' left the room until he came back in with a glass of water for me. I went to reach for it, but again, I'm tied up. Luckily he had a straw in it, so I could drink from the glass while he held it.

"Thank you," I told him, he just nodded. "I'll answer all your questions, but I need to go to the washroom!" I say pleading.

"Fine," Rebekah says to me sternly. She waves her hands signalling Connor to untie me. "But, don't try anything." Connor walks behind me slowly, and unsurely, unties the ropes, and I stretch my wrists it feels weird being able to move my arms freely again. He then goes down on his knees in front of me to untie my ankles.

"Ok, get up!" Rebekah orders me; she's obviously the one calling the shots. Before I even am able to move she pulls me up off my feet and throws me into a room, and shuts the door. I look around even though I can't see anything, I feel around the walls for a light switch. I finally find one, and see she did throw me into the washroom.

I'm frantic, and check my back pocket to see if my phone is still in it. It is, how'd they not notice it? I can't worry about that now. I pull up Harry's contact, and quickly text him.

"Harry, I'm fine. Well, kind of. Anyways, don't call or text me. I don't want these people finding out I still have my phone. Find out if you can track my text or something." I almost hit send but then I quickly add something. "Also, don't let this go public! We've been watching the news. I miss you so much! Bye. <3" There, I quickly shoved my phone back into my back pocket, went to the washroom and was about to exit the room when I looked in the mirror. My eye was starting to turn a little blue. "I miss you Harry," I say and go back into the other room, seems they've locked me in here and left. I see they've put some food on a TV tray. I go over to it, and start eating. It doesn't taste too good, but I eat it anyways.

(A/N, what do you thinks going to happen to Savannah?)

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