Chapter 11: You're the Reason Why

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"Shut up!" I yell at Louis, he's so annoying, yet I can see us becoming good friends. My phone let's off a 'ding' telling me I have a new text message. I shove Louis away from me before he could make me drop my phone. "I got a text can you not be physco for like 2 minutes?" I ask him, sarcasm included. I look down at my phone quickly. 

"Ok Natalie, I don't want to scare you guys but you've got to hurry up. I've got three days, or I die. A ransom call may come, I'm not sure what they want. Ask the guys if they know anyone named Connor and Rebekah... But don't text me back, put it on the news if it's a yes say she or he, if it's a no say he or she. Got me, thx." She must be mad, because she didn't text Harry. Plus, she did say something about the news. Think Natalie, think! Aw crap I know why she's mad, Harry was talking about loving her, and then he said he felt guilty. Now, even if we do get Savannah back, she isn't going to be as easy to fall for Harry. I looked up from my phone noticing Louis was now bugging Niall taking away his food.

"Okay, Louis, sit your ass down, now!" I order him. He looks at me astonished, but does as I say and sits down on the sofa. "Harry, get in here right now, or I'll straighten your hair in your sleep." He runs in the room.

"You are not straightening my hair!" He yells at me.

"Well, listen, or I will! Zayn, no one cares about how your hair looks, get away from the mirror." I yell to Zayn, because he's holding a mirror paying no attention to anything else but his hair. I walk over to Louis who is still holding Niall's sandwich, take it from him, and give it back to Niall. He gives me a half-smile I think he's a little afraid of me. I ruffle his hair, and smile down at him. Right now, he's the only one out of all of the guys that aren't really annoying me, well and there's Liam.

"Do any of you guys know a Rebekah or Connor?" Katie walks into the room with a coke as I start talking; she sits beside Niall seeing that's the only place to sit that's still open.

"No, not that I know of..." Liam says.

"Me neither." Niall says. I look at Zayn.

"No, but the name Rebekah seems familiar." I turn to Louis.

"Zayn's right, the name Rebekah is familiar!" Louis looks at Harry, who's sitting there like he knows something.

"I think I know who their talking about!" Katie says I motion for her to continue. "Ok, well seeing that the person who knew her personally hasn't said anything," She glares at Harry. "It was that girl Harry was seen with months ago in all the magazines you know the ones of him holding hands with a blonde-red head." Holy crap that's right, now it's my turn to glare at Harry.

"So, you're saying this Rebekah knows Harry?" I turn my attention back to Katie and she nods. "Well Harry, you were right about one thing! It is your fault my bestie is missing!"

"What do you mean?" Liam asks me very calmly as though I'm a ticking time bomb.

"Well Savannah texted me, asking if you guys knew a Rebekah or a Connor. So, I'm guessing those are the names of the people who have kidnapped her! What the hell did you do to this Rebekah person that would make her want to kidnap someone?"

"I just broke up with her. I thought she was a little crazy and too controlling, but now I see she is also psychotic."

"Ok, I nominate Harry as tribute!" I say.

"For what?" Katie asks me.

"Well, we can't text Savannah back, and she said to go on the news and say like he or she if it was a yes say she or he, and a no he or she on the news so she still got the message! Oh, and you may want to hurry we've got three days!"

"What do you mean three days?" Harry asks me alarmed.

"What does it sound like we've got three days to pull the thing off. Oh, and don't be alarmed if you get a ransom call." I reply to him. Louis gets up and smacks Harry across the face.

"Bastard," Wow, what happened to Larry?

"Ok, Louis, I get your mad, but please can you control yourself right now, after all you are Larry Stylinson." I say to him, and what he just did seems to run through his brain. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Harry! I didn't mean it!" Harry brushes him off.

"It's fine, you just said how I feel." He tells Louis.

"Only three days?"

"That's what she said," I reply.

"And, I'm sorry, but she's no longer yours." I say pointing out the obvious.

"I know. I just hope when we get her back she'll forgive me." He looks at little sad saying it since I think he thought she would drop everything and forgive him if we ever got her back. "Anyways... Do you guys want to stay the night we have a couple guest rooms."

"I don't know..." Katie starts.

"Don't listen to her! We, are, staying. I don't feel like leaving the house and being kidnapped." I say. "We'll be out of your hair in the morning, but call us if you get anymore texts!" Harry told us where the rooms were, and I feel asleep pretty soon, but I guess that's what happens when it's almost 12am.


I only got two hours of sleep waking up at 2am so I went back down stairs to the living room. When I walked in the TV was on and Harry was watching it.

"Hey," I said to him, walking towards the couch, Harry sits up and makes room for me on the couch, I sat beside him.

"Hey," He reply's.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"I haven't been able to sleep for the last two days." I knew he was worrying about Savannah, and I made it worse by saying it was his fault.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it was your fault."

"It's okay, it was. I mean, I remember the last thing Rebekah had said to me 'Tell your next girlfriend to watch it'. I never really thought about it until now, I guess that's what she meant." At that moment I saw true pain in his eyes.

"She was lucky to have you." I told him.

"I think it was the other way around. I mean, look at me, she was right. Right before she left my house she was talking about me breaking all these promises to her, I just didn't want her sucked in to this world, but it looks like it's too late." I squeezed his hand, and smiled at him. He gave me a half-smile back. We stopped talking, and started watching the TV, it was 'The big bang theory'. Although, it was a repeat, you could tell because Penny and Lenard were still really awkward with each other.

(A/N, Awe, Natalie's getting really close to the boys!! Anyways, what do you guys think is going to happen to Savannah, and will Natalie fall for someone, hmm, maybe)

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