Chapter 19: Out of the Hospital!

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“Today I leave right?” I asked Natalie, I’ve been stuck in the hospital for about five days now, I visited Harry every day or so.  It was so annoying, I mean, I can handle hospitals for the visit portion, but oh-my-god when they make you wear those stupid hospital gowns. Like, nasty, no, how many people have worn this same thing I’m wearing right now? Then you have to stay in the bed for pretty much the entire time your there. Oh, and don’t get me started on the food!

“Yes, you can leave today, stop bothering me about it! So, maybe you’d like to put real clothes on?” She steps forward with clothes I know she got from my closet, although I would have been fine if I got some of her clothes to wear, I mean we’re almost the same size, and she wears really cute, really expensive clothes. I take them from her, and go to the bathroom that’s been built into the hospital room, I’m so glad this isn’t a multi person room, I can’t imagine people in my room walking around, half naked blah, just blah.

She got me my black wedges, a black asymmetrical skirt, and a white button up blouse. (So, I found what the outfit would look like, but I couldn't put multiple images up, so instead the photo I did put up is what this outfit would kind of look like. Except with black wedges, and on Nina Dobrev's body... haha yep) Thank you Natalie, for your amazing fashion sense which pretty much matches mine! I quickly come out, and start talking before looking for anyone.

“Hey, Natalie, how’d you get into my house?” I ask, and then see no one there but Niall. “Oh, hey Nialler, where’d Natalie go?”

“She just went out to get the car,” Do I need babysitting? Really, did she need to send Niall to watch over me?

“Okay, well I’m… I’m going to be back in ten minutes, just tell Natalie to wait for me here?” Niall tries stopping me from leaving the room, but I push past him. I figure, I can say good bye to Harry by myself, right? I’m not some six year old kid; I’m nineteen for crying out loud! Rebekah’s god knows where, I’m not going to get abducted for the second time! I quickly run down to Harry’s room, and open it to find no one, at all in it, thank god; I don’t want someone sending me back to Niall.

“Hey,” I almost whisper to Harry.

“You’re allowed to go now?” He asks me.

“Yep, free to wear cute clothes!”

“I don’t know… I liked that skimpy hospital gown.” He jokes with me, and I slap him on the arm. “That hurt!” Harry says as he playfully slaps me in the arm.

“Hey, I got shot there!” I joke with him. I look at the clock seeing I told Niall I’d be back after around ten minutes. “Okay, well I’ve got to go now, or my babysitter may start getting worried!” I start walking to the door.

“Wait?” Harry stops me right before I go through the door; I turn my head back with a smile on my face, already knowing what he’s going to ask for.

“Yes?” I ask walking into the room slightly.

“Come here,”

“What if I don’t want to?” I tease him, moving up to his bed slowly. I lean down, pretending I’m going to kiss him. I stop my lips just above his. “You know, I don’t feel like kissing you.”

“You’re such a tease.”

“Learn to live with it,” I say my lips slightly brushing against his. I start to stand up straight, but Harry pulls me straight back down, so this time, I did end up touching his lips full on. Although, I’m still in the tease mood, so I just keep them there, not allowing him entrance. Do you know how hard it is not to kiss someone, and I mean, really kiss someone? Really hard, because when Harry finally gives up, I ended up kissing him. “A tease that’s fun to kiss,” I say as I start half skipping to the door. “I’ll be back,” I turn and blow him a kiss before leaving the hospital room.

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