Chapter 15: The Aftermath

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Juliet stood there for a moment with Vladimir in silence. The man she had been with for two years finally left her. She knew she didn't love Lionel anymore, but the reality of the situation seemed intense with all that just happened.

"Juliet?" Vladimir turned and looked down at her with an expression of concern upon his face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm not sure...I-I think I'm going to go upstairs to my room for a little while." Juliet then fixed her skirt, and passed Vladimir, heading up the stairs.

A little while later, Vladimir decided to check up on Juliet.

He walked up to her room and peered into it. On the bed in her room laid Juliet sobbing softly into her pillow. Within seconds, Vladimir was sitting beside her, embracing her.

"It's alright, I'm here," he comforted, stroking the back of her head as he held Juliet in his arms.

Juliet looked up at him, starting to wipe the tears on her face away until Vladimir placed a hand on her cheek.

"Vladimir, I-" Juliet began, her eyes locking onto his, "I love you." Vladimir smiled as he started to stroke her cheek.

"I love you, Juliet." Slowly the space between them was closed, and Vladimir's lips were on hers, kissing her softly. He laid her down, hovering just above her body as they kissed. His hand smoothed over skirt, and down to her thigh, rubbing it softly, earning a moan from her. They parted lips for a moment. "Juliet," Vladimir began, "may I?" Juliet looked down to see his hand just beneath the end of her skirt. She nodded, smiling up at him slightly. She then felt him tug the skirt down in one swift pull. Juliet then began to unbutton her blouse, but soon stopped as Vladimir intervened and unbuttoned the rest of it before sliding it off her body. His hands slid down her stomach, stopping at her panties. Juliet watching him in anticipation as he slowly removed them from her. She felt her cheeks burn bright as he lowered himself down between her legs once more. He kissed her inner thighs, slowly making his way to her center. Juliet looked down at him to watch. Suddenly, as Vladimir looked up at her, his eyes began to glow red. Juliet felt her heart beat faster in her chest as anxiety struck. She quickly pulled away and attempted to run to the door, but Vladimir stopped her, grabbing a hold of her from behind. Juliet struggled, about to let out a scream, but Vladimir covered her mouth with his hand. "Please, do not scream. Allow me to explain." He tried to soothe her by stroking her lightly, but she only shook in fear. "Juliet, my love, I have an unfortunate secret that I must confess. I am a vampire."

"But t-there's no s-such thing as vampires," Juliet mumbled through his hand nervously.

"I'm afraid there is, and I just happen to be one of them my dear. But please know that I will not harm you, I'd only protect and love you. So please do not be afraid of me." He loosened his hold and turned her to face him. Juliet hesitantly placed her hand upon his cheek.

"Vladimir, do you drink...blood?"

"Yes, but with my business, I am provided with such a necessity."

"W-would you ever drink my blood?"

"I could only dream of drinking from you, my sweet Juliet. But I wouldn't unless you allowed me to."

"If I let you drink my blood, would it hurt."

"Unfortunately there would be pain, but it would soon subside, and I would only please you as soon as it ends."

"Vladimir, I-I want you to drink my blood."

"Juliet, you don't have to let me do it if you do not want it."

"I do want it, I want to be able to at least give you my blood, because even though you're a vampire, I still love you, and I accept you for what you are."

"Alright then. I will try to ease the pain of the experience as much as I can." He then laid her down on the bed, removing her bra before climbing on top of her. He placed a few kisses upon her neck, before playfully biting it. He then held her in place, and leaned in, sinking his fangs into her skin. Juliet let out a painful cry as he began to suck. Her cry soon subsided, leaving her to whimper quietly as he continued. Vladimir stopped for a brief moment, staring at the spot he had bitten. "Your's not like anything I've ever tasted before, it's so...sweet." He then bit the same spot once again, and sucked her some more, holding her close to him. Juliet felt herself grow faint as he sucked. Vladimir soon restrained himself, and removed his fangs from her. He then licked up the blood smeared around the marks in her neck and kissed it softly. "Thank you, Juliet."

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