Desperate Times

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"Fight ?" Merlin said skeptically, "With what ?"

"Oh Merlin do stop being such a clotpole" Arthur said as he started towards the forges. Merlin grumbled and took hold of Gaius's arm to help him along the corridor. "that's my word" he muttered.

"Yes Merlin it is, and it suits you perfectly" Arthur called back over his shoulder. Kyra had hold of Leon's hand like she was never letting him go, he turned and smiled at her gently. "Alright when we get to the forges,  i want everyone to grab every weapon they can find. we're going to need them.. Percival, Gwaine, and Leon find any armor, you can"

The tunnel came to a small set of stairs leading up into the forges, the hot, dry heat hit them like a wall making their eyes water in protest as they emerged cautiously up into the forges. Arthur ushered them forwards quickly towards the table in the middle of the room that held swords, knives, axes lying in heaps and mismatched armour pieces lay strewn atop its surface. Arthur ,himself, grabbed a sword from the table and set about putting on a mail shirt. The rest armed themselves quickly, Kyra grabbed an unstrung bow from the worktop and strung it quickly before shouldering a quiver of arrows and waiting for the others to be ready. A twinge of pain shot through her belly making her wince audibly, Leon frowned and moved towards her before she held up a hand to stop him with a placating smile. 

Arthur looked at the bedraggled group before him and his demeanor softened, " my dear friends, I know we did not expect this to be our fate" a quiet chuckle rippled through the group as they stared at their king. "We are not home free and there is a chance that we still may not make it to safety, but, it has been an honour to fight by your sides and to share in your lives" The knights nodded solemnly and clapped each other on the back, "well this is all very touching, but shall we make a move before we're discovered ?" Helena said quickly, Ariella snorted and nodded. Arthur chuckled and strode quickly over to a window and peered out, he beckoned to the others behind him before boosting himself through the frame into the cold night air. The others followed him quickly and silently as they made their escape. An eerie silence blanketed the cobbled streets as the group hurried through the shadows. Arthur paused as they reached the western gate, sinking further into the shadows as several of Morgana's men passed by with torches. He whistled softly to the men behind him, Percival and Elyan sprinted over the dirt path and slid down the embankment into the darkness that lay beyond. Arthur signalled to the others who, one by one, slipped into the encroaching darkness. As Leon finally made it down the embankment to join them, Kyra held out a hand to him before they ran into the trees quickly. The forest was silent aside from the quiet running footsteps as the group made their escape, the shadows seemed to grow in the gloom as Kyra glanced around while they ran, the pain in her stomach grew but she kept silent. The group finally slowed to a halt on a small overlook catching their breaths, Leon laid a hand on Kyra's back as she breathed raggedly. She flinched away before seeing the hurt look on his face and feeling for his hand apologetically. Arthur straightened slowly as he noticed Camelot in the distance, the once gleaming, white towers now stood marred by the smoke of the burning lower town. Arthur's heart crumbled at the sight of his beloved city, stolen from him by those he once held dear, Gaius laid a hand on his shoulder comfortingly as the group watched silently, " Come away sire, there is nothing to be done today" the old man said gently as he guided the young king away from the ledge. "we must leave the kingdom before dawn, these hills will be swarming with men soon if they aren't already" Gwaine urged, Arthur stayed silent as he glanced back at the city with a defeated expression. 

"Arthur?" Gwen probed gently, he finally tore his eyes away from the city and nodded before moving away from the edge quickly. "There's a farm, not too far from here, they have horses" Percival stated as he tightened the bracer on his wrist, the knights nodded in agreement and readied themselves to run again. Percival caught hold of Kyra's wrist making her tense up, " are you sure they made it out ?" he asked quietly, she softened as she looked at the worry on his face. "i put them on the horse myself, Ariella is resourceful, she made it" Kyra smiled softly at the thought. Percival nodded seriously as if trying to convince himself. she squeezed his hand reassuringly before turning to follow the others as they took off into the woods once again. 

Soon they reached a clearing  beyond which lay a small homestead with a wattle and daub building lying off to the side, the group lingered on the edge of the woods as they checked the coast was clear. Kyra stayed at the back of the group as she felt a warm trickle down her leg, she winced and felt it, her hand came back covered in blood, she looked up and saw Gwaine staring at her in horror. She shook her head quickly and wiped her hand on her dress before running after the others who had followed Percival across the field towards the small outbuilding where he was leading several horses outside, Leon held onto the reins of a horse as he waited for Kyra. He noticed the blood on her dress and frowned, "what happened ?" he started, Kyra smiled unconvincingly as she boosted herself onto the horse, "nothing, i just caught myself on a branch", Leon didn't look convinced but he didn't press the issue any further as he pulled himself up behind her. Arthur vaulted up onto a large chestnut gelding and wheeled it round to face the others, "time to go, we don't stop until we are in Ealdor" he called before urging his horse off and scooping Gwen up behind him as the rest followed him quickly. 

The horses thundered through the woods towards the mountains that lay in the distance, the early dawn light beginning to creep over the snow capped peaks bathing them in a warm pink glow. Gwaine kept pace with Leon and Kyra, watching her worriedly out of the corner of her eye, she shot him a warning look as he made a move to speak. They rode for what seemed like an age before finally they came to another overlook and far below, wisps of smoke signaled their arrival in Ealdor as they looked at the little village below. The paths around the village were empty but the stirrings of life told of the occupants inside beginning the new day. "Home" Merlin smiled gently as they watched, Arthur nudged his horse again and they walked down the hill towards the village. 

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