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I felt someone following me keeping just out of sight of the torch light , I felt an edge to the darkness like it was not all natural when I turned round and came face to face with Lancelot looking murderous , he looked me up and down with lust in his eyes then proceeded to lay his hands all over me . I tried to push him away but he kept me against the wall with his forearm against my throat just cutting off my air supply .

" If I were you I'd keep quiet or something might just let slip about you and me spending some 'special ' time together and that might ruin you and Leons little bond you've got " he smirked as I went pale and grappled his forearm trying to move it slightly

He loosened it slightly giving me just enough room to slip underneath his arm and start to run but he caught my shoulder ripping my dress' shoulder right open . I turned and he put his mouth over mine trying to kiss me I scratched his face leaving three giant red cuts across his face .

He threw me on the floor and straddled me to prevent me from running away , he held my hands above my head .

"GWAINE !" I screamed as loud as I could . Lancelot slapped me across the face.

I thrashed about and screamed as loud as possible .

Gwaine and Leon ran out of the hall with their swords and saw Lancelot sitting on top of me .

" let her go now Lancelot !" Leon said loudly as he pointed his sword at him .

Lancelot sat up and held up his hands as he let me go smiling evilly .

I ran toward Gwaine just as the tears started, he held out his arms and hugged me to his chest swaying us slightly as he held my head and soothed me .

"shh shh shh I've got you your safe now don't worry " Gwaine whispered into my hair as I sobbed .

Leon looked at me then at Lancelot , "guards !" he called not taking his eyes off Lancelot in case he ran away .

Two guards came running round the corner and grabbed lancelots arms as he continued to smile at me with a horrible underlying threat .

"take him to the cells " Leon ordered

The guards towed Lancelot passed us and as they passed, Lancelot whispered to me " well that was fun let's do that again sometime "

Gwaine bristled and pushed me behind him " you will never touch her Lancelot "

Lancelot just smiled knowingly and sauntered off with the guards behind him .

Leon sheathed his sword and ran over to me , he put his hand on my shoulder and bent down to look at me in the face .

"kyra ? Did he hurt you ?" Leon asked gently as he lifted my chin with his hand gently .

I shook my head and flung myself at him in a hug , he hugged me back and stood up not breaking the hug , I only came up to around half way up his chest so I hugged his waist tightly .

Leon sighed in relief and bent his head to kiss me.

I put my arms round his neck and kissed him shakily . He broke the kiss and put his arm around my waist and helped me walk to his chamber obviously not trusting me to fall over .

He opened the door and led me over to the bed and lay me down and pulled the cover over me . I lay still but grabbed Leon's arm as he turned to leave .

"please Leon don't leave me " I begged as I remembered Lancelot's laugh .

Leon nodded and took off his boots and laid his sword against the side of the bed then lay down beside me on the bed .

He pulled me back into his arms and hugged me to his chest .

"thank god he didn't hurt you "

I Hid my face in his neck and tried to forget it .

"try to get some sleep , its a big day tomorrow "

" oh the tournament , I forgot .... I am sorry you didn't need this the night before Leon " I whispered guiltily .

"hey , what matters Is that you are safe alright , otherthan that nothing else matters truly to me "

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