The Hidden

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The young knights milled around the training ground, waiting impatiently for their teacher. A young man with dark curls and piercing blue eyes huffed and looked around before sighed exasperatedly. " well, are we meant to teach ourselves ?" he asked the others that lounged beside him, he glanced over at the woman who had been arranging the weapons rack. "you there, go and fetch the Master at Arms !" he called, several of his peers all stood hastily and moved away from him shaking their heads nervously. The woman turned and looked him up and down calmly before she turned back to the weapons rack. "Did you not hear me, go and fetch him at once " the young man continued, the woman sighed and turned back to him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, "at once, sir" she bobbed into a curtsey and took off on a leisurely stroll around the training ground before returning to the rack and picking up a sword. "what do you think you're doing ?" the young man asked quizzically, she didn't answer and buckled bracers onto her forearms as a figure in a flowing red cloak approached quickly. The young knights all scrambled to attention as he approached, the woman grinned and watched them all. Leon moved past them all with a confused frown before he kissed the woman with a smile, "I'm going on patrol down the tunnels, i won't be back until supper" he said, glancing back at the young men, she stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss on his lips before smiling. "go, don't keep the others waiting and be careful" she replied with a reproachful look, patting his chest before turning him away. As Leon began to walk away the young trainees looked between each other confusedly and murmured before the same young man spoke up, " Sir Leon, if you're not our teacher, then who is ?", Leon frowned and nodded to the woman, "The Master at Arms" he grinned before winking and striding away. 

The young men turned to look at the woman who chuckled as she leant against the weapons rack lazily, their mouths fell open as she pulled herself upright and walked in front of them. " you may call me Lady Kyra, Master or my lady" she stopped in front of the young man who had spoken up, "i apparently also answer to 'you there' or my personal favourite 'girl' " the young man paled and his mouth dropped open in shock, she stared at him, her eyes twinkling as her hand rested on the pommel of her sword. " what's your name young man ?" she asked quietly, he gulped and pull himself to attention, " Mordred, my lady" he mumbled, She stepped closer to him, " Well, Mordred, you better be careful, attitude like that does not do well in Camelot" he nodded quickly and flushed a deep red in embarrassment, " yes my lady, sorry my lady" the corner of her mouth twitched before she moved back to look at the others. " Well get a move on, i haven't got all day" she yelled, pointing to the weapons stand, the young knights scrambled over each other to grab swords making Kyra snort to herself as she waited. 
She watched them all and noticed several were taking their time and sniggering amongst themselves, "did I not make myself clear, initiates?" she called, raising an eyebrow, the tallest of them turned back slowly and smirked, "yes, my lady" putting emphasis on 'lady', Kyra glanced to the side and noticed Gwaine, Bedwyr and Merlin leaning over the weapons rack watching, they squinted painfully against the bright sun but gave her a thumbs up. She stood in front of the initiate who smirked and looked over her head smugly, "do you have a problem with a woman being better than you?" she said in a dangerously soft voice, the initiate looked down at her and rolled his eyes, scoffing. "what's your name, initiate?" she asked, the young man looked down at her and smiled a smug smile, "Bertaine, son of Lord Burgred"
Kyra laughed softly, nodding to herself before she swept his knees out from under him and held his own sword to his throat with her foot on his chest. The initiate looked stunned and lay there as Kyra threw his sword down next to him and turned away. He scrambled to his feet, his face flushing an ugly dark red as he got angry.

Gwaine and the others, stifled their laughter and watched the scene unfold, the initiate picked up his sword, gripping it tightly as he glared at Kyra's back. He tensed and charged at her, his sword swinging down towards her head. Gwaine and Bedwyr sprung into action but faltered as the ring of steel echoed, Kyra's sword stopped the initiate's in his tracks as she stared at him, a dark look passed over her face and she grinned a lupine grin. "oh gods, he's dead" Merlin winced as Kyra pushed the initiate backwards before she began her attack. Her blade sang through the air as she whirled and struck at him, the initiate looked stunned and barely managed to deflect her blows before trying to retaliate angrily. She dodged his blows calmly before she used his body weight against him and spun around behind him, cutting his thigh.
The initiate fell to the ground heavily, his face livid with anger, he went to raise his sword but Kyra stood on his hand, glaring down at him. "Oooh!" Gwaine and Bedwyr winced as the initiate hit the floor before they laughed and relaxed. Kyra increased the pressure under her foot and stared the initiate down, "next time, it's your throat" she hissed, her eyes flashing. The initiate struggled underneath her and yelled angrily, she released his hand from under her foot and kicked the sword away. "Come back when you learn respect" she stated before turning her attention back to the others, the initiate stood angrily and made towards her again but Gwaine and Bedwyr sidled in front of him before glaring, "are you going to let that woman tell me what to do?" the initiate yelled, Bedwyr looked at Gwaine who shrugged. "that woman has put me on my arse more times than I can count, she has also saved the King's life several times" Bedwyr said casually, the initiate scoffed and went to move past them. "well unlike you, I won't let that bitch away with humiliating me", Gwaine shook his head and grabbed the initiate by the throat, "she also happens to be my sister" he growled, squeezing tightly. The initiate paled and scrabbled at Gwaine's hand, he let go, throwing the initiate away from him. "now fuck off and don't come back"

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