Reunited At Last

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As the horses finally entered the village, Gwaine glanced over at his sister and noticed how pale and sweaty she looked, she saw him staring and shook her head subtly. Merlin trotted ahead and dismounted outside of a small hut, "Mother, it's me!" he called, the door flew open and a small woman scrambled to hug him tightly, her hair was wrapped in a red cloth and her clothes were simple, her weather beaten face was soft and motherly as she smiled at Merlin, holding his face between her hands as everyone dismounted. "Mother, you remember Gwen and Arthur" Merlin said turning to the others, the woman smiled and bowed her head to the royals, "your majesties, you are most welcome" she smiled, Gaius moved towards her with a tired smile, "Hunith my dear, its wonderful to see you" she pulled him into a hug and sighed. "its been a long time, Gaius" she replied softly, the others gathered around as Merlin introduced them one by one. Kyra jumped down from the horse and her knees buckled, Gwaine caught her swiftly and held her upright. "Easy, i've got you sister" he muttered to her as she leant against him, Leon looked back at the pair and frowned but Kyra waved him away with another smile, "my legs are just tired from riding" she called weakly, behind the group a figure emerged from the house and froze before launching themselves at Percival and sobbing openly. He hugged her tightly, lifting her off the ground and crying relievedly as they clung to each other. Kyra let out a breath she didn't realise she had been holding as she saw a small girl toddle out of the hut towards them. Percival broke down and scooped her up into their hug, holding them both off the ground. 


she snapped out of her reverie to see Merlin and Hunith standing in front of her, Gwaine continued to hold her up as her legs got weaker, "This is my mother, Hunith" he said with a smile as he draped an arm over her shoulders, "Mother this is Gwaine, he's one of the knights and this is Kyra, his sister" Gwaine smiled charmingly down at Hunith, " it's wonderful to meet you Hunith, Merlin talks a lot about you" she smiled up at Merlin and patted his chest. " you're both very welcome here" she said warmly with a soft smile twinkling in her eyes. Kyra smiled back weakly and gripped Gwaine's shoulder as another wave of pain passed over her, Hunith noticed this interaction and pressed her hand against Kyra's forehead. " you have a fever my dear, come lets get you inside" she took her from Gwaine and hurried her inside, with Merlin and Gwaine following close behind. Hunith settled Kyra down onto the bed before turning to the men and blocking their access. " she needs to rest, Merlin see to the others and get them settled" she looked at Gwaine, "you, can wait outside" Gwaine crossed his arms, " she's my sister, i won't leave her" Hunith softened slightly, " very well, you can get me some water from the well, its in the square" he opened his mouth to protest but she thrust a bucket at him and shooed him out the door.

Kyra winced and looked down, her hands and her dress were covered in blood, " oh you poor dear" Hunith rushed over to her and wiped her hands clean of the blood with a cloth and made her lie down, " what happened to you ?" she asked as she gathered herbs from around the hut, " i don't want to say" Kyra mumbled and looked at the wall, feeling the tears finally start to fall.

Hunith sat down on the edge of the bed and laid a hand on her shoulder, Kyra turned and looked at her, her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head. Hunith's heart sank as she realized, " It's alright my sweet girl, you're safe here" 

Gwaine had strode through the village quickly and was gathering the water when Leon clapped him on the back, " have you seen Kyra ?" Leon asked while looking around, Gwaine shook his head and busied himself before he stopped and looked at Leon, " has she spoken about...?" he asked quietly, Leon shook his head and his eyes darkened, " if I ever see him..." Gwaine laid a hand on his shoulder, " me too ", 

Hunith hurried Gaius inside the hut and the old man strode quickly to Kyra's side and rolled his sleeves up before placing a hand on her head gently, "it's alright my dear, we'll have you feeling better in no time" he smiled down at her kindly as she shivered and groaned from the pain. " i'm losing it amn't i ?" she croaked, he nodded sadly and handed her a small bowl with liquid inside, "drink, this will shed it quicker" she drank it quickly and grimaced at the taste before handing the bowl back to Gaius and turning on to her side. Ariella ran into the hut with Bella and put her down on the floor before moving to Kyra's side. " why didn't you tell me ?" she demanded, smoothing her hair off her sweaty brow, Kyra grimaced at the pain and looked at her best friend apologetically, " I didn't want you to worry", Ariella scoffed and stroked her hair. Yelling echoed from outside and scuffling could be heard, Gaius strode to the door quickly and pulled it open angrily to reveal Merlin holding Gwaine back. " Hoi, you two, the last thing we need is all this noise, take it else where before you bring the whole village out" Gwaine let go of Merlin's shirt reluctantly and stood in front of the door, "that is my sister, Gaius, let me in" he shook his hair out of his face. "let him in Gaius" Kyra called weakly, Gwaine rushed to the bed and knelt down beside his sister worriedly. " i knew something was wrong, do you want me to get Leon ?" she grabbed his hand and shook her head quickly, " no, he doesn't need to know" Gwaine opened his mouth to protest, " but he's the father " Kyra gripped his hand as another wave of pain shot through her, " no Gwaine, he doesn't need to see this" she crumpled into a ball as the cramps shot through her belly. Hunith grabbed more cloths and discreetly cleaned the blood from between Kyra's legs as Gwaine sniffled and held her hand in both of his tightly. "Ariella, will you go and keep him distracted... it'll be over soon" Kyra sniffled, looking at Gwaine sadly, he kissed her forehead and closed his eyes tightly. Ariella nodded and squeezed her other hand before making her way to the door, Bella pulled herself up off the floor and toddled over to the bed and clambered up Gwaine's leg to clumsily kiss Kyra's cheek. Kyra smiled weakly and patted Bella's cheek gently. "Thank you baby, go to mama", Gwaine placed her back on the floor with a gentle pat on her curls before turning back to Kyra, who lay watching Bella tottering towards the door where Ariella held out her hand for her. Ariella took hold of her daughter's hand and looked at Kyra sadly, " i love you, red", Kyra smiled reassuringly, " i know" she answered quietly as Ariella closed the door behind her. A crippling pain made Kyra whimper and tightened her grip on Gwaine's hand, "Gaius, is there nothing you can do ?" Gwaine pleaded, the old man cleaned his hands with a cloth and searched the herbs hung up around the hut before pulling one down and handing it to Kyra. "Chew this, it'll help with the pain" she took it and chewed, grimacing again at the bitter taste. "Gaius do none of your medicines taste good ?" she croaked, he smiled gently as her eyes began to unfocus, "they're not supposed to taste nice to deter you from becoming ill"

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