"We don't kow that."

"What do you know?"

"All I know is you were left at the centre with..." She looked at my neck. "With that locket."

"Why was I left there do you think?" I asked uncertainly.

"Maybe she couldn't take care of you. There could be many reasons Angie." She pulled me in for a hug and I accepted her embrace whole heartedly. "I love you."

"I love you to."

"No more secrets please."

"I promise." I lied. We pulled back and she tucked my hair back pressing a loving kiss on my forehead.

"Whenever you're ready you'll tell me. That's an order."

"Yes mum."

"I suppose I better take you to school."

"Oh really it isn't necessary I'm sure the school can do without me."

"Nice try. Go get ready." I groaned but did as she commanded. I covered up a lot of skin trying to look as unflattering as possible, Of course with the stupid angel genes it didn't work, not even ugly grey trackies did the trick. So I settled with jeans and T-shirt eyeing at the leather jacket Erica gave me thoughtfully. My thoughts led back to Blaz and my lips burned at the memory.


~ 🎶 ~

Music first then science. Which means I get to enjoy the pleasure of Blaz's company for two periods. Great! I have never felt so unwilling to go to school before.


"Hey Lara." I greeted her.

She tied her red hair back in a low ponytail. "Are you going to rehearsals today?"

"Rehearsals?" I creased my brow confused.


"Oh right I do that... um... Well no. I told you I'm meeting Ranger after school."

"Yeah I know I just don't think you should." I have to. I can't stamd going to Blaz anymore not with the way he fools around. How he constantly tries to make me miserable and feel that horrible pain in my chest. I don't love him in anyway I was simply duped. Made a complete fool of because he grew bored.

I will not be played around again. I have to go to Ranger in order to get through this. I need someone encouraging and caring to be there when my wings grow. When they... Rip through my skin. How am I going to hide them? Oh God how painful is it going to be when they do fight their way out? I took a deep calming breath and nervously held one of my arms hunching over a little.

"I'm going to meet him just don't tell anyone."

"Well about that, see someone hacked into my account."

"Are you sure that wasn't just me?"


"Shit." Blaz. It has to be Blaz. "Jackass."


"No one." I sighed. How does he always know? He is always one step ahead of me but now that I know that he knows I can be ten steps ahead of him. Ranger never responded back on Facebook though. He called me instead so Blaz shouldn't be able to know where we're meeting. "Um see you at recess."

"Whatever." She muttered storming off. I didn't focus too much attention on anything or anyone around me until I got to music.

He wasn't there.

Blaz wasn't in music or science. I didn't see him at recess or any of the other angels so for the whole day I was left in peace.

It's scaring the hell out of me.

At lunch I couldn't find Lara so I sat alone outside on the oval playing with my locket. Avoiding the pearl and the amythyst stone in the center. "Angie?"

I sighed heavily not turning around to look at him. "Not now Henry..."

"We can't even talk?" I felt him walk closer so I tucked away my locket down my shirt.

"I feel that your lips have done enough damage." He crashed down next to me. I was suddenly engulfed by his fruity cologne and felt his body heat all along my side. Since when does he wear cologne?

"What would you rather I have done with my lips?"

"What did you just say to me?"

"Never mind uh um..."

"Wow sleeping with Nicole must have transmitted some arrogant disease into you because the Henry I knew would have never said a snide comment like that."

"Oh but it's okay when Blaz says it."

"He says what people expect him to say. Everyone knows he's mean and cruel you however have been hiding your true colours."

"I wasn't hiding anything. And I'm not I just had a weak moment and... You know not everything is about you." I shook my head and laughed a bemused laugh. I tried to stand up. "No wait." He grabbed my arm but I refused to be pulled back down next to him. "Angelica don't leave me."

"Let me go Henry."

"No! You are going to listen to me."

"Henry stop it!" He pulled on my arm so hard that I fell on top of him and smacked my head into his. "Ow! Bloody hell! Henry!" I squealed as he rolled us over and pinned my wrists next to my head. I panicked and tried to shake him off me but he overpowered me in strength. I'm an angel for crying out loud this shouldn't be an issue!


I'm soooo sorry for taking sooo long DON'T HATE ME!

*whispers* I love you


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