Truth or Dare can be Dangerous...

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My friends Caitlin and Ally, Emily, my sister Riley and I were in my bedroom, playing truth or dare. "Riley, truth or dare?" Caitlin asked. "Ummmmmmm......... DARE!" Riley smiled in response. "Ok. I dare you to...... Hmmmm.... PLAY DING DONG DITCH AT 36 SPIDER STREET!" Caitlin exclaimed with excitement. Riley's smile faded and her jaw dropped. "Ummm... Cait-" Riley started as Emily cut her off. "Don't be such a wimp Riley! Come on, it'll be fun" Emily told Riley, elbowing her playfully in the ribs. "I don't know about this. 36 Spider Street is a murder house... I don't want to take any chances..." Riley said, voice shaky. "Riley... It's ok. We'll be there with you the whole time. And besides, it's just a scary story that people have been killed in that house; it's not true" I told Riley calmly. "Ok, so it's settled. We're all going!" Ally grinned. We crept downstairs quitely and out the door, careful not to let my parents, who were watching TV, hear us leave the house. We all were excited to get to the house because there had been stories about murder there. Riley gathered up her courage and ran up to the door of 36 Spider Street. She rings the bell and turns to run when all of the sudden, the door opens...

A/N: hey guys. This is my first story so please comment and follow me. Promise I'll do the same :) thx. Means a lot. I'll update ASAP. I can't wait to update it but I'm just busy right now. Thx love y'all.

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