Chapter 24

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♫My my, my my, give me love♫

Chapter 24. 🌺


I couldn't stop shaking. I told myself I was fine, he just was a bit on edge today. Maybe he hadn't had his tea this morning and wasn't properly functioning. Maybe he was way overworked and tired. Maybe he had had nightmares and no sleep. I tried telling myself I was fine with his shouting, that I could get over his outburst. But...I truly couldn't. He had never gotten that angry before.

He had gotten upset before, yes. Like when Harry wouldn't let him watch his favorite show because Spongebob was on.

Louis had thrown a dramatic fit and hurled a pillow at Zayn (who had been playing harmlessly on his phone and hadent had anything to do with The TV), but never had Louis been so angry as To shout that loudly. A raised voice, yes. A shout? No. I let my trembling body sink into the sheets of my bunk.

My bunk was my place of refuge. I came here whenever I was upset, emotionally wrecked or when it was after 11:00 because that's when I went to bed. So I lay underneath the blankets, subconsciously ignoring the few tears that were making their way down my cheeks. I couldn't help but search for a distract my mind from Louis. I snatched my iPhone and plugged in my earbuds, shuffling my entire music library and closing my eyes.

"Give me love, like her...." Ed Sheeran's voice played over the earbud's speakers, making me smile. Nothing could calm me down better than Ed Sheeran. And apparently, my iPhone seemed to know that.


Frustration. I was feeling so much of it, I wasn't sure what to do with myself. My heart was hurting to...from the fact that Amber was scared of me. She had run from me, away from me. I had shouted at her, right in her face. I was an idiot. I felt as if I was losing control of everything around me.

My head was telling me to suck it up and keep Amber a secret. That if I came out with her in public, I'd be digging myself into a drama-filled, hate-ridden pit.

But my heart was telling me to come out. To tell the world that I was in love with Amber. She didnt know I was in Love with her. I would tell her in due time, but...I needed to tell the world about us first.

So then what was The problem? The reason I was so frustrated? Easy. I wasn't sure whether to follow my head...or my heart.


ugh. I'm sorry, it's shorrrrttttt. I don't have an excuse other than to say I've literally had 2 hours of sleep and all my senses have mysteriously gone missing. ANYWAY guys...should Lou follow his head or heart? Yup. K bye ~Aimee :) xx

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