Chapter 5

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♫I feel so close to you right now, it's like a forcefield♫

Chapter 5. 🌺


Cleaning is dull work. Very dull. Sweep, trash, repeat. Sweep, trash, repeat. The process got old, fast. Even my music didnt save me from the absolute boredom that closed in on me like a crashing ocean wave. I mustve gone through my entire 'cleaning music' playlist, which consisted of music I really liked, but wouldnt end up dancing around to. I looked up and scoped out the pavilion, noticing that it had been 4 hours and I only had about 30 minutes work left in front of me.

"Why not?" I shrugged to myself, before putting on my 'Dance' playlist. Instantly 'Feel So Close' by Calvin Harris came on. I smiled to myself and continued sweeping up the broken lightbulbs until every shard was gone. I began to dance along to my music, humming softly along with the slightly dubstepped tune. Not thinking about my movements, I twirled in a little circle before pushing the filled trash can towards the door of the pavilion. Once outside I just left the trash can for the recycle truck to pick up. Dancing back inside, I pushed my broom and dustpan into the closet and continued to spin around, dancing like a crazy idiot. Hey, dont blame me.

My dance music is catchy.

i kept up my spinning and humming, smiling to myself in absolute carefree bliss-until I ran smack into someone. Two strong arms instantly wrapped around me, catching me when I was about to fall on top of them.

"Whoops, um, sorry." I apologized, before looking up to meet a pair of familiar icy blue eyes.

"Oh, hi Louis. Sorry about that...i was just kinda, um, having a dance party with myself." I laughed, seeing him crack a small smile. His eyes were sparkling a little, but his body was frozen. I couldnt help but wonder why he was so nervous. He looked almost petrified. I quickly stood up straight and kissed his cheek as a thank you, waving goodbye to the attractive boy before running off to find my handbag. Oh my god, did I just call him attractive? Yeah, yeah I did. He may be shy, but he was attractive. I dont usually like shy boys. I like the loud, crazy ones who always put a smile on your face. But for some reason, Louis stuck in my head. I dont even know why. Maybe i'd see him again...but I doubt it. Their only in town for a couple of and tomorrow. Then the day after tomorrow, him and his band would be off and away. I was just about to open the door to my car when someone tapped my lightly on the shoulder. I turned around to see 4 boys and a broad shouldered man staring at me with hopeful smiles.

"Hello." I said, plastering a quick smile onto my face.

"Hi. This is Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry from the band One Direction. Their performing here tonight and tomorrow. I'm their manager, Paul. We just drove all around and the only place to eat is an ice cream parlor. Do you know anywhere we could go? It is nearly lunchtime. And Niall here is starved." the broad shouldered man asked kindly, gesturing to the blonde boy who nodded vigorously. I laughed but shook my head.

"Sorry, but theres no restaurants for 30 miles in any direction." I told them regretfully. Instantly their faces fell and they shrugged sadly. I suddenly felt bad.

"But, uh, theres a general store in 5 miles. My friends say im a pretty good cook, so if you guys buy me a few things there I guess I could make you something restaurant-worthy." I shrugged, before inwardly scolding myself. Cooking famous popstar guys lunch. What a great way to spend my time. The blonde kid jumped up and down and smiled pleadingly at Paul.

"Please please please Paul? I havent had a proper meal in agggessss. Plus, this girl is pretty and she can cook. Pleeeease?" he begged, making me blush at his compliment.

"Fine. Someone go find Louis and tell him we're going shopping." Paul rolled his eyes,

"Amber's making us lunch." oh god...what have I gotten myself into.

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