Chapter 25

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Chapter 25.

"Hello?" My mom asked through the phone. 

"Yeah, Mom. It's me, Marie," I said, a few tears spilling from my eyes.

"Marie! Where have you've been? Don't you realize what time it is? Almost four am!" 

I wiped my eyes with my hand. "Yeah, I know. But I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" 

I looked down at the cell floors. Gray and uncleaned. 

"I'm um, in jail," I said. 

"WHAT?!" My mom barked. Then suddenly, my mom started shouting at me through the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear as she continued to scream. I looked across the room to find all of us in one jail cell. Rian was holding Kara as she cried into his chest. Jack sat at the unmade bed with his face in his hands. Vinny, Colussy, Flyzik, Zack and Danny all looked miserable. My eyes traveled toward Alex. He was staring at me with his hands gripping the cell door. His eyes were bloodshot and red. I looked away and pulled the phone back to my ear. My mom was still screaming.

"Mom! Will you please calm down!" I hissed. She did and stayed quiet. "There's something else I need to tell you."

"Great, there's more?" 

I ignored her and sighed. I rubbed my forehead with my hand as I felt sweat dripping across it. 

"I'm in jail in Vegas."

"VEGAS? Young lady, are you serious right now?! How on Earth did you end up in Vegas? No, don't tell me. Was it Alex? Your boyfriend? Oh my gosh, if it is, you're in deep trouble, missy. You hear me?"

"Yes, Mom but can you just come and get me?"

Mom stayed silent for a while. "I'm on my way. I'll catch the next flight to Vegas."

"I'm sorry, Mom," I said. 

"I know. I'm coming."

"Okay, bye."

I hung up the phone and the guard gripped my shoulder and walked me back to the cell. He closed the door fiercly behind me. Everyone continued to stay silent. 

"Is your mom coming to pick you up?" Alex whispered. I sat down next to Vinny on the floor. 

"Yeah," I answered. I honestly didn't feel like talking at all. There was nothing to say. Jasey finally got what she wanted this whole time. Alex. It hadn't really sunk into me until the car ride over here. I finally realized that the whole pregnancy rumor was all her. She somehow found out we were going to Vegas and practically followed us. I didn't tell anyone that I knew Jasey did it. I feel like it shouldn't be spoken about. 

"I feel like this is all my fault. I'm the one who brought up the opportunity to go to Vegas," Jack spoke. He face was still in his hands. "This is all my fucking fault." 

No one spoke for a while. Until someone in the building started shouting. I guess someone's parent is here. 

"Kara! Where are you?" The person asked. Kara suddenly let go of Rian and walked up to the bars. 

"Mom, I'm over here!" Kara called out. Kara's mother came into view. 

"Oh honey! I'm so glad you're okay," she said. "I want my daughter out of this jail cell now.

The guard got out his keys and opened up the cell. Kara's mother instantly wrapped her arms around her daughter, hugging her tight. 

"Before you can go, Miss. You have to sign some papers and pay for your daughter's bail," Officer Brady said. Kara's mother did what she was told. After a while she handed Brady the papers and cash. Kara and her mother walked out of the police station as fast as their legs could take them. 

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