Chapter 9

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Chapter 9. (Read author note at the end of the chapter.)  

It's been two weeks since Andrew died. It's been two weeks since I haven't returned to school. My mom called my school principal and explained what happened and excused me for a couple of weeks. It's been two weeks since I've talked to Alex. He's called a couple times and texted but I ignored him. I just didn't want to talk to him right now. Samantha found out about Andrew and came over as quickly as she could and gave me the tightest hug in the world. Andrew and Samantha were pretty close friends. Closer than Alex and I. Samantha had a small crush on Andrew but she wouldn't admit it. But I guess it's too late. 

"Honey, you ready?" Mom poked her head through my doorway. I fixed my black dress I was wearing. 

"Yeah," I said. 

"Okay, well Beverly is waiting outside for us. Let's leave." Beverly was one of my mom's closest friends. I nodded before getting up off my bed. Today was Andrew's funeral. I didn't want to go but I know Andrew wanted me too. I followed my mom out of my bedroom and down the stairs in the living room. We walked out the front door and got into Beverly's car. 


"I'm so sorry for your loss." Those six words I kept hearing throughout the day. Honestly, it was getting boring. Andrew's college class and professors attended the funeral, along with some of his friends. I looked across the room and made eye contact with his casket. His picture was hanging above it while underneath it said 'Andrew Jonathon Chambers 1985-2006'. Suddenly someone blocked my view. I looked up and saw Alex standing there. He was wearing a white shirt with a blazer and jeans. 

"Hey," he spoke. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Samantha told me what happened. I'm so sorry, Marie. Really I am."

"It's fine." I looked down and started playing with my fingers which is becoming a habit of mine. 

"Can I talk to you?" 

"You are."

"No, I mean somewhere private?" 

I looked up to face Alex. "Okay."

I got up from the funeral seat and followed Alex out into the hallway. I crossed my arms and faced him.


Alex placed a hand on my arm before speaking, making me uncross my arms. "I know how you feel."

"What?" I repeated. 

"About your brother dying. I know how you feel."


He hesitated before talking. "I just know."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Alex stayed silent and took a hand off my arm.

"Are you the guys with you?" I asked. 

"No, they said they'll come later. Is Samantha here?"

"Yeah, she's talking to my mom." 

Alex nodded. We both stayed silent for a couple minutes. That's also become a habit of ours. We couldn't really think of anything to talk about. I glanced around the hallway at the funeral room. Bright pink flowers decorated the place. Even though pink was a happy color. This was a funeral home, not a wedding. Shouldn't there be black colors or dark colors. Funeral's aren't supposed to be happy. 

"How was your date with Jasey?" I blurted out. Alex was slightly surprised to my question. I couldn't blame him, I was surprised to. I was thinking about flowers not how Jasey and Alex spent their night together. 

"Oh. It was good," Alex responded. 

"Did you like it?"


"So are you two dating now?"

I was silently praying they weren't dating. Jasey was a great girl but sometimes she gets too clingy. And I can tell Alex hates those type of girls.

"No. No. We're not."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What happened?" 

"It just didn't work out. Long story short, she hates my guts and I feel really terrible about it."

"What'd you do?" 

"I rather not talk about it here." 

"Okay. Well if it makes you feel better, you should write a song about it."

Alex's face perked up. "Great idea!" I couldn't help but smile. It was amazing how Alex could make me feel better. Just a little bit. 

"I missed you at school." 

"I missed you too."

We once again stood there in silence. Then all of sudden, we heard both our names being called. 

"Alex! Marie!"

I turned my head into the direction the yelling came from. It was Jack. He wore a white tshirt and a blazer, similar to Alex's but instead he was wearing dress pants but with sneakers. Rian and Zack were behind him, dressed exactly like each other. They all spotted us and greeted us with a group hug. 

"I'm sorry for your loss," Jack said, running my back. 

"It's okay," I replied while we pulled away. 

"I'm sorry too," Zack said. I was surprised. Those were the first words I have witnessed Zack ever say. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Zack."

"Sorry also," Rian spoke. He gave a soft hug and pulled away. 

"Thanks you guys." 

"How did he die?" Jack asked. 

"Car accident," I shrugged. 

"We missed you at school!" Jack said. 

"I missed you guys too."

"Jack!" Someone called out. We all turned to face Samantha walking over to us and gave each other the boys a hug. "Didn't think you'd actually show up."

"We're only here for Mar," Jack responded by putting an arm over my shoulder. Samantha fake gasped. 

"How could you!" She cried. 

"Mar?" I asked. "Since when did you call me Mar?"

"I like it. It fits you."

"I like it too," Alex said. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"They're about to set up the food. And Jack, please don't eat out all the food. Marie and I worked hard preparing it."

"You cook?" Rian asked. 

"Yeah, but Samantha didn't do anything!"

"Yes I did!" She protested. "I tasted it."

"That's not helping," I pointed out.


"You girls are crazy," Alex chuckled. "And that's what I love most about you."

Love. Right. As a friend only. 

On Friday Feb. 8, I will be going on a vacation so I won't be able to upload. My mom won't let me bring my laptop. I'm leaving February 8 til February 13. And then I won't be going to school for the rest of that week. So I'm upload then!


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