Chapter 11

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Chapter 11.

 "Why doesn't Alex tell me anything?" I asked Rian at lunch. Rian furrowed his eyebrows. 

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"He never tells me anything!"

"What doesn't he tell you?"

"Something happened between Jasey and him but I can't figure out what," I said. "And also what Lullabies is about..."

Rian looked down at his food. "Like I said before, Alex has been through a lot and when he tells you, he'll tell you. You just have to be patient."

"We'll he's taking too damn long," I crossed my arms over chest. 

"Like Rian said, you have to wait. But yet, you hate waiting," Samantha said. She munched on a carrot.

"Do you know what Alex is going through?" I asked Samantha. Samantha awkwardly looked down at her try and I instantly knew the answer. I groaned and got up from my seat and started walking down the hall. 

"Where are you going?" Samantha yelled after me.

"Study hall," I yelled back. "I need to talk to Alex."


"Pss," I whispered. Alex's head turned around and tried looking for the noise he just heard. I rolled my eyes. "Over here." Alex's eyes traveled to the door and his eyes widened. 

"What are you doing here?" He whispered at me.

"I need to talk to you."

Alex glanced at the teacher's desk. Thankfully, he was sound asleep. Alex quietly got out of his seat and walked to the door to meet me. We started walking down the hallway. 

"What are you doing?" Alex repeated. I ignored his question and took his hand and guided him down the hallway to an empty classroom. I kept the lights off as I looked at Alex. A surprised expression on his face. 

"Your flower's falling," he reached for the flower and adjusted it. I couldn't help but blush. "Why do you blush everytime I'm around you? I'm too irresistible?" 

"No," I snapped. Yes. I ignored the voice inside my head. "I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Promise me if I tell you my story, you'll tell me yours?"

Alex hesitated before answering. "Deal." 

I softly smiled. "Well, as you know, my brother died four weeks ago. And you also know that I have nightmares because of it. But those aren't the only nightmares I've gotten," I looked down at my hands before continuing. "You probably noticed I never talk about my dad. My dad was the best dad ever. He used to take me shopping when I was fourteen, I could talk to him about anything, he was literally the best ever. Then one day my mom and dad started getting into fights. And when I mean fights, I mean physical fights. He used to abuse her." I paused a wiped a tear that leaked out of my eye. "But then he started abusing me." I lifted up my shirt to reveal my stomach. There were cuts and bruises from the punches he has thrown at me. "He used to abuse me everyday after school. I couldn't tell anyone. Not even Samantha. Samantha even doesn't know about this." I pulled my shirt back down. "A year ago, the abuse stopped and my dad moved out. Andrew never got abused. That's when I started getting nightmares that he would sometimes sneak into my window and beat me up. I still get those nightmares today. Now that Andrew's gone, I feel like he'll come back and beat me again." Tears started pouring from my eyes. Alex took a step forward and embraced me in a tight hug. He rested his chin on my head since he was freakishly taller than me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as I cried onto his shoulder.

Breakout (All Time Low Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora