Chapter 6

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Chapter 6. 

"Marie! Marie! Come back here!" yelled Mrs. Overstein. I ignored her and continued walking down the hallway. Small tears were streaming down my face but I ignored them too. Suddenly someone from behind me grabbed my arm. I stopped walking and faced the person. It was Jack. His chest was rising up and down, probably from running down the hallway to catch up with me. His black hair falling in front of his eyes a bit. His arm was gripping my arm tightly. His brown eyes read concern. His free hand came up to my face and gently wiped the tears away. 

"You okay?" He asked. 

"No," I answered. 

"I heard you and Alex's conversation. 

"Yeah and I still can't believe you're friends with that douche."

He left go of my arm and sighed.

"He's not that bad. Alex has been through a lot and if he doesn't want to share it with you. I honestly don't think it's a good time for him to tell you." 

I ran a hand through my hair and let out a deep breath. "Fine. I won't bug him anymore."

"You both are going to work this out. Come by Rian's house today after school." 

"Okay," I said. 

"I told Mrs. Overstein if I could work with you after you ran out of the classroom. She said only for today, so let's head back to class," Jack offered me his arm. I gently smiled at him and looped my arm through his and we walked down the hallway together.


I took a deep breath before knocking on Rian's house door. Kathi opened the door. She instantly smiled when she saw me.

"Hey, you're back. You're Marie right?"

I nodded. "Yep, is Rian here?"

"Yeah, he's practicing down in the basement with the guys. Come in!" She opened the door wider to let me in. I walked down the same path I remembered from the last time I was here. I reached down to the basement and I saw they were just finishing up a song. I recognized someone on the couch. When the song ended, the person clapped, her black hair swinging back and forth. It was Jasey. I locked eyes with Jack and he smiled. I gave him a small wave. 

"That was so good!" Jasey squealed. Alex chuckled when Jasey hugged him. I felt a sudden pang go through my chest. Was I jealous? I can't be jealous. After all, Jasey and Alex aren't dating. Jasey said so herself. When Jasey pulled away, she turned around and looked at me.

"Oh, Marie. I didn't know you were here," she said. I smiled at her.

"Yeah, Jack invited me here."

"Aww! Are you guys dating?" 

My eyes widened and Jack's cheeks blushed a deep shade of red. 

"No, we're not dating," I denied. "We're just friends."

I could tell Jasey didn't believe me. "Sure," she smiled. Jack cleared his throat. 

"Is it okay if I talk to Alex and Marie. Alone?" 

"Sure! I'll just go upstairs. Rian and Zack, do you wanna come?" 

Zack silently nodded and Rian nodded also. Jasey, Zack and Rian all headed upstairs leaving me with Jack and Alex. I sat on the couch and faced the two boys. Jack put down his guitar and sat down next to me on the couch. 

"You guys should talk," Jack said. Alex snorted. 

"I'm not talking to her," he said. 

"And I'm not talking to him," I said. 

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