Chapter 3

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Chapter 3. 

I tried avoiding Alex as much as possible at school on Monday. I saw Jack and Rian during the school day, I waved to them casually as we walked past each other. Right before lunch, I had English whom I shared with Rian. As I walked into the classroom, I noticed him in the back of the classroom. I saw Kara next to him. They both waved me over as I sat down next to them. 

"Hey," Kara smiled.

"Hi," I said. 

"How was your weekend?" she asked. I shrugged. 

"Nothing special." Which was true. Every weekend I do nothing. Except for studying. On Saturday, Samantha came over and we had a Peter Pan movie marathon. I was obsessed with Peter Pan ever since I was a little girl. I've always wanted to go to Neverland. 

"You know Alex didn't mean to kiss you at the party," Rian said. I turned to face him. I bit my lip and shook my head. 

"He wouldn't kiss me if he as a girlfriend. It doesn't seem right. You guys didn't kiss other people on the lips, did you? No. It would be rude," I said. 

"Look," Rian started but got cut off my our English teacher, Miss Smith, entering the room. 

"I'm going to sit in the front," I murmured. I got up from the desk and walked to the front of the classroom. I heard Rian sigh as I left.


"Finally, lunch time!" Samantha said. We both got our lunches from the line and started heading toward our table. Her lunch consisted of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with milk and an apple. Mine was a grilled cheese sandwich with a cookie and apple juice. Even though Samantha was popular, she still chose to sit with me. As we were walking toward our table, I saw two other girls sitting there. I recognized one was Jasey. Uh oh. 

"Marie," she said when we finally reached to our table. 

"Jasey," I responded. She smiled a sweet smile as Samantha and I put our trays down and sat down at the table. Jasey leaned over the table and looked at me.

"This is my friend, Ginger." I looked over at Ginger. Her name perfectly matched her hair. She had fair skin, green eyes and dimples. I saw she was wearing a Simple Plan tshirt. Her hair came to the length of her shoulders. I glanced at Jasey again. Her black hair was tied up in a pony tail and she was wearing a blink-182 tshirt. 

"Hi Ginger," I poliently said. She smiled at me and waved.

"Well, I bet you're wondering why I'm here, right?" 

I nodded. Jasey smiled once again and cleared her throat. 

"Well," she repeated. "I heard you kissed Alex Friday night."

"He kissed me. We were playing spin the bottle and it landed on him and he had no choice to kiss me. I didn't kiss him. I didn't know you two were going out in the first place. He invited me to play spin the bottle, when I told him I didn't want to. So I'm sorry, if I kissed your boyfriend. I'm really, really, really sorry," I ranted. Jasey and Ginger glanced at each other. Then all of a sudden, they both bursted out laughing. My cheeks turned red.

"W-what?" I said. Jasey continued laughing along with Ginger. I glanced at Samantha who shrugged and sipped her milk. When Jasey's laughter died down, she looked at me.

"Silly Marie. Alex and I aren't dating," she said. My eyes grew wide. 


"We're not dating. Alex and I's relationship is kind of complicated. It's an on and off kinda one. Right now, we're off. I don't really mind if he kissed you or you kissed me. We're not dating so don't worry."

It took me a while to register what she just said into my brain. 

"Whoa," Samantha spoke for the first time. "That's so funny." 

"Am I the only one who finds it wasn't funny?!" 

Jasey giggled and patted my hand. "It's okay. Well, I'll leave you two to get your lunch. See you in science!" Then her and Ginger got up from our table and headed toward their own.


"Remember the partners I paired you up for last week?" Mrs. Overstein asked the class. There were a few murmurs from the students. Mrs. Overstein clapped her hands. 

"Well, get together again and I want you to get to know each other. Play 21 questions!" 

The class followed what they were told to do. I took a deep breath and turned around to glance at Alex in the back off the classroom. He and I locked eyes as he waved me over. I got up from my seat and walked toward the back of the classroom. I saw down in Jack's seat. Alex and I stayed silent for a little while until he spoke up.

"Question one. Are you mad at me?" 

I glanced at him. Alex was staring down at his desk without looking into my eyes. I sighed. 


He looked up without saying anything. 

"Question two. What's your favorite color?" I asked. He looked down at his desk again.


I nodded. 

"Question three. Why aren't you mad at me?"

"Jasey confirmed that you and her weren't dating. So, I'm sorry for pouring soda all over you at the party." 

Alex smiled a small smile. We sat there in silence again until Jack came skipping over.

"Hey Marie! Would you like to come to Alex and I's band practice after school?!" Jack practically screamed in my face. I wiped the excess spit off my face.

"Uh, sure."

"Cool! Here's Rian's address!" Jack pulled out a pen from his pocket and wrote down Rian's address on my arm.

"Rian?" I asked.

"Rian's in the band with us. Along with Zack," Alex spoke. 

"Oh." I remembered Alex telling me that on Friday. 

"Hopefully you can make it!" Jack said and the skipped off to the other direction.

"Question four. What's your role in the band?"

"I sing and play guitar." 

I nodded once more.

"Question five. Do you sing?"

"Kind of. I'm not good," I blushed. "But I play guitar."

Alex and both continued asking each other questions till it was the end of class. The bell rang, telling us it was the end of the period. Alex and I both got up.

"See you at band practice," he said. I couldn't help but smile when he said that. 

Thank you to xPollyMuse for creating my book cover! Go fan her! Comment and vote also. (: 

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