Chapter 7

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Chapter 7. 


Alex and I have gotten closer that week. I've been coming to his band practices a lot. They've been letting me hear old and new songs. I could say they are the most amazing writers ever. Jack thanks himself for locking us in Rian's basement where we made up. I couldn't argue. If it wasn't for Jack, Alex and I still would've been fighting. When I told Samantha we made up, she literally started crying. Right now, we were both at lunch. Alex didn't have lunch with us, but Rian decided to sit with Samantha and I. Rian was talking about this concert that he might be attending with the guys. The band, Blink-182, they've all been talking about. I still don't know who they are. 

"What do you say? Come with us?" Rian asked me. He just asked me if I could come to the Blink-182 concert. They had two tickets left. One was for Samantha and she gladly accepted it. 

"Um, I don't know. I have no idea who they are," I said. 

"Please Marie! I promise you, you will love them," Rian begged. I sighed. I've never been to a concert in my life. So I don't know what goes on at those type of things. 

"Fine," I said. "I'll go."

Rian cheered and Samantha clapped. "I guarantee you, you'll have a great time!"

"She said yes?" A voice said behind me. I knew that voice anywhere. I turned around and found Alex sitting at our table. I laughed. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in study hall?"

Alex shrugged. "Yeah, but I ditched. Wanna spend quality time with my best friend," he said, putting an arm around me. I blushed a little but quickly covered it with my hair. Since we've been hanging out a lot lately, I might've gotten a little crush on Alex. I couldn't help it. 

"So she's coming to the Blink concert with us?" Alex asked, letting go of his arm around my shoulder. 

"Yep!" Rian said. "I'm excited now. What if we actually meet them?"

"Doubt it, but it's a possibility," Alex shrugged. 

"I have to meet Travis. He inspired me to play the drums," Rian daydreamed. I smiled. Travis Barker was Rian's drum role model. I thought it was cute that he looked up to him. 

"While you daydream about meeting Travis, I have to show Marie something," Alex said. I turned to him.


"Oooh," Samantha teased. "I wonder what Alex wants to show you." 

"Shut up, Henderson," Alex glared. He turned his attention to me. "Come here." He grabbed my hand and made me stand up from my seat. He then dragged me down the hallway. 

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's surprise," Alex smirked. He continued to guide me down the hallway. Then we ended up at the end of the school. 

"This is your surprise?" I asked. Alex shook his head. 

"Nope, it's up this staircase." I looked to the right. And sure enough, there was a staircase. Alex let go of my hand, and we both walked up to the top of the staircase. We ended up at a door. Alex opened it up and walked through it. I followed him. I felt a breeze up against my arms. We were on the roof of the school. The view was breathtaking. You could see all of Baltimore. It looked amazing. It was a fairly good looking day. The sun was shining high in the sky with a few clouds. In the middle of the roof, there was a guitar. Alex walked up to it and strapped it around his neck. He then sat on the floor, tuning his guitar. 

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