Chapter 5

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Chapter 5. 


I tried talking to Alex all day. Even though we didn't have any classes together besides Science. And we also had different lunch times. I took a deep breath and sat down at Samantha and I's lunch table. Samantha left school early because she had to go to the doctors, so that left me alone at lunch. I didn't buy anything to eat today since I wasn't that hungry. It was true. I decided to look around the cafeteria. My school cafeteria was pretty normal. The jocks sat with the jocks. The nerds with the nerds. The cheerleaders with the cheerleaders. As I was glancing around the cafeteria, I locked eyes with Rian. He was sitting with students I didn't recognize. He got up from the table, along with his tray, and came walking towards me. He finally reached to me and sat down.

"Hey, I didn't know we had the same lunch period," he said.

"I didn't either," I said. He noticed the empty table in front of me.

"Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "No."

"You sure?"


"Here," he took the apple off of his tray and handed it to me.

"No thanks, Rian. I'm not hungry."

"I don't care, you're eating it."

I sighed. I guess I lost the argument. I took his apple and took a juicy bite out of it.

"So where's Kara?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"She has lunch next period."

I nodded understanding. "How long have you two been together?"

Rian smiled. "A year so far."

"Do you love her?"

Rian hesitated before answering. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

"Aw, that's so cute!"

Rian laughed and blushed. We sat there in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a nice kind of silence. I looked around the cafeteria once more. Students were flinging food at each other and laughing. A girl squealed because a boy threw spaghetti noodles in her hair. I took a bite out of my apple. I had lunch mostly with the ninth and tenth graders. I sighed. I kinda still wished I was in ninth grade. There wasn't drama, it was just all about friends. Suddenly, my thoughts flickered to band practice yesterday. Alex's song.

"Hey Rian. You wouldn't happen to know what Lullabies is about?" 

Rian tensed up a bit. I noticed the same with Alex yesterday when I asked him about it. 

"Yeah, I do, why?" he asked, his eyes flickered over to me for a second then back down at his lunch tray. 

"What's it about?"

Rian took a deep breath. "I don't think I should tell you. It's kinda personal to Alex."

I pouted a bit. What was so personal? Did something bad happen? 

"Do you know why he won't tell me?"

"I think Alex should tell you. It's not up to me." 

"Do you know where Alex is right now?"

"In the music room." 

"Is it okay, if I check up on him?" 

"Yeah, go ahead."

"Thanks, Rian." 


When I reached the music room. I stopped short before I walked in. I heard two people talking. I didn't quite hear the voices but I recognized Alex's voice. 

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