Chapter 2

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Chapter 2. 

Samantha and I walked through the overly crowded house. People were dancing along to the beat of the music and singing on the top of their lungs. I tried to make out the song but they were singing so loud that I can barely hear the lyrics.

"I'm glad you made it," A voice said behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Alex. He was wearing a Sum 41 tshirt and skinny jeans. I quickly looked down at the clothes I was wearing. A plain light blue tshirt and shorts. Nothing special. Samantha wanted me to wear something more appealing but I didn't want that. I saw Samantha wasn't next to me anymore. I guessed she disappeared into the party. 

"I was kinda forced to," I answered Alex. He let out a soft chuckle. 

"You thirsty?" 

I shook my head as Jack appeared next to him. 

"Nerd! So glad you can make it!" 

Suddenly, a hand slapped Jack in the stomach, making him wince in pain. It was Samantha. 

"Don't call her that," she scolded. 


"What do you want?" Alex asked Jack. 

"Zack and Rian are upstairs playing spin the bottle. They were wondering if you wanted to join."

Alex looked at me before answering Jack. 


"Cool, I'll tell them." And with that, Jack sprinted back into the mob of people. 

"Do you want to play?" Alex asked me.

"Not really," I said.

"Why not?"

"I'm not into spin the bottle."

"C'mon, it'll be fun. I promise." 

I glanced a Samantha beside him. Her eyes glowed in the dim light of the room. She mouthed yes. 


Alex took my hand and walked me upstairs with Samantha trailing along. We entered a room with a bunch of posters and a guitar sitting in the corner. 

"This is my room," Alex said. I looked around more. Clothes scattered the floor, music CD's into one corner along with a stereo. And right in the middle were three boys and one girl. One was Jack. I looked at the short, chubby, brown haired boy. He went to my school but I didn't know his name. Next to him, was a girl. He tightly wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She had slick black hair and reminded me of Jasey. Next to her was a boy with long black hair that came to his shoulders. He kinda had an attitude about him.

"These are my friends," Alex said. "Rian," he said, pointing to the chubby boy, "Kara, his girlfriend," pointing to the girl. "And Zack," he finally said pointing to the long black haired one. 

I shyly smiled and waved. "Hi."

"Hey," Rian said. "You're Marie right?"

I nodded my head, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"Cool. We're in the same English class together."

"Really? I didn't notice."

"That's because he's too busy sucking face with Kara in the back of the classroom," Jack teased. Rian blushed a dark red and hit Jack in the back of the head while Kara giggled.

"C'mon, let's get this game over with."

Alex let go of my hand, which I forgot he was holding, and sat next to Jack in the small circle. I sat next to Kara while Samantha sat next to me. There was a bottle in the middle of us.

"Who should go first?" Jack asked. 

"Me!" Samantha shot her hand up in the air. 

"Go for it." 

Samantha wrapped her hand around the bottle and spun it around. Once it was done spinning, it slowly came to a stop to Jack. Jack's face grew red as Samantha leaned in close to him. Their lips finally touched for a second as they both pulled away. Jack's face was red even more now. Jack slowly spun the bottle as it landed on Kara.

"No way. You are not kissing my girlfriend," Rian said.

"Relax, Rian. I'll only kiss her on the cheek." Jack leaned in and kissed a light kiss on Kara's cheek. Kara smiled as she spun the bottle. It landed on Rian. Her smile grew wide as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with all her might. After they finished kissing, Rian spun the bottle. It landed on me. My face grew red as Rian kissed my cheek. Samantha smirked and nudged me with her elbow. I shot her a glare before spinning the bottle. It landed on Alex. I looked up at Alex who had a grin plastered on his face. My face grew red again as he started leaning in. Our lips finally touched as Alex rested a hand on my cheek. It lasted for about five seconds as Jack started laughing. 

"Break it up, you two. We don't want a makeout session." 

Alex pulled away. I looked down on the ground, blushing. I used some of my hair to cover my rosy red cheeks. After a few minutes of the game, I spoke up.

"I'm going to go get a drink." 

"I'll go with you," Samantha said. We both got up and exited the room. The deafening music was still playing loud. I recognized it was the song Alex and Jack were singing in class today. 

"Say it ain't so, I will not go. Turn the lights off, carry me home," the singer sang. Samantha and I entered the kitchen. 

"So is Alex a good kisser?" She asked. 

"What?" I asked, opening the fridge to find a can of soda. I got two and handed one to Samantha. 

"Oh c'mon! Is he?"

I bit my lip as I took a sip from the can. "I don't know."



She glared at me before taking a big gulp of her drink. 

"Is Jack a good kisser?" I asked. She rolled her eyes as she stepped out of the kitchen.

"Yes. Yes, he was."

I smirked as we both headed back upstairs. As we were about to enter the room, Alex and Jack were talking. I stopped Samantha into going into the room. She stood beside me as he listening to Alex and Jack talking. 

"Is the nerd a good kisser?" Jack asked. I heard Alex sigh. 

"It was barely a kiss." 

"So? Is she or not?"

Alex stayed silent before answering. "Well, I'm not going to lie to you but the kiss meant nothing. So I can't classify if it was good or not. Besides, I dating Jasey remember?"

My face turned red, Alex has a girlfriend?! And he kissed me! I stormed into the room and face Alex.

"You jerk! How could you kiss me when you're dating someone?! Rian and Kara were polite enough to kiss other people on the cheek. But you went full on and kissed me!" 

Alex didn't get the chance to say anything as I stepped foreward and dumped the whole can of soda on top of his head. I took once glance at him before I stormed out of the room. 

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