Chapter 20

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People go up levels... It's normal.

That is only one level at a time.... Not 172 levels at once .

How will this affect me?

The charm went down throat.

Everything was still , not even the demon was moving.

I'm so scared...

Oh no , it's starting.

My skin started to glow , so did my eyes.

My dark forest green eyes turned to a stunning baby blue.

" oh god" Olive said

The power is so strong... I don't think I can handle it.

Just keep still , and let it happen.

It's time, I have gained all the power.

Now I have to control it ,and do what I have to do.

" MEGA METEOR " I shouted.

The meteor started to form in my hands , but then something different happened.

A blazing fire formed ,it didn't burn it felt... Nice.

" oh my god!!!!" Olive screamed.

" what is happening " Alice coughed.

" Isabelle is forming fire! But she isn't a fire elemental " Olive explained.

" what?" Alice said.

How am I doing this? I am not fire !

There is no time for questions now.

I have to kill a demon

Time to end you life , you pathetic piece of trash.

I the fire flung from my fingers , shooting straight at the gross demon.

Red... Covered the demon. The flesh melted off of its dirty body .

It was an ugly site , but I was delighted by it.

Apparently the pain of a demon brings me true happiness , something I don't get often.

A flaming lifeless body... Soon the black cloud of smoke rose from it pronouncing it dead

Another one dead.... And I did it all by myself again.

Olive Jogged over to me , she was a little shaky. She did just get injured.

"What just happened! Fire you used fire! " Olive said.

" I don't know. I wanted to do use my meteor , but then that happened. " I replied.

" Isabelle, that was amazing " Alice choked.

"Alice! You're bleeding terribly. We need to get you to the hospital " I said.

" I'm fine " she said.

" no you are not ! Let's go " I replied.


The hospital was about twenty minutes away... By car. All we have is our feet.

Alice can't run in her condition. She's losing blood like crazy.

We aren't going to make it in time... Alice is going die.

I can't help to say that it is my fault.

I should have ate the charm last night.

Then none of this would of happened.

She is going to die.... And it's all my fault.

There is no use running miles to the hospital, it's a lost cause.

I have to face it, there is nothing I can do.

No, I can't give up. If you goes , she is going out fighting.

I grabbed Alice and threw her over my shoulder.

" put me down " she choked.

"No , we have to get you to the hospital. NOW! " I said.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Now let's move.

I sprung forward leaving Olive behind in the dust.

The speed of lightning, a bolt shot from a gun , like the speed of Sonic.

I am not the one to run , but my god! I'm going fast.

Almost like a speed elemental.

I guess it's just an adrenaline rush.

20 minutes by car ... For me 5 minutes by feet.

I bursted through the doors , then screamed.


Out can running a nurse and a few


" what's the matter " the nurse asked.

"She got in a bad battle with a demon. She tried her best , but she is paying the price. " I panted.

"Oh my, she is losing a ton of blood." She said.

" Code R7!" One of the interns yelled.

Threw the door ran a man with a wheelchair.

They grabbed Alice out of my arms then wheeled her away.

Olive! She is still making her way over here.

Poor thing! I should go get her.

I hate to see her run over her , with her weak , thin legs.

I ran out the door , then down the road.

I pasted a small party store.

Which caught my attention, because a loud scream came from inside , then after followed a by the sound of a gun.

I have to see what's going on.   

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