Chapter 11

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I loaded up my email to see if Lola emailed me... she did.

Why would she want to talk to me?

Hmm , lets see what she has to say ,

" Dear Isabelle ,

Congratulations , you are a hunter ,and you killed your very first demon!

Well , that is not what I really want to talk about.

11 years ago , I was taking an evening walk.

It was slightly pasted 12:00 when I heard a loud scream.

I ran to where the piercing sound came from.

A demon was possessing a lady's body.

I knew what I had to do... until I saw a two year old little girl by the woman's legs.

If I kill the demon , I would leave a child homeless , if don't kill it imagine all a damage it could do.

I never had to make a decision like this before.

I had to choose so I killed the demon.

I knew it was the right decision , I couldn't risk putting other people's lives in danger.

Now I was left with a child.

I didn't know what to do with her.

Brought her home , for the night....well that was the original plan.

I ended up keeping her until she was about 5 , then had to put her up for adoption.

I no longer could keep her a secret from Tia.

I knew she was onto me.

A few days after she up for adoption , I forgot the year before I gave her a potion.

I went to take her back to change her back to normal , but I was to late... She has been adopted.

The potion made her level up 15 times faster than an average elemental.

I thought I would never see her again , until I got an email.

It was from the training school.

It was for the new group.

I read through the names and information.

Then I came across a level 28 elemental.

With the name Isabelle....

The girl I put up for adoption I named Isabelle... and your level is high.

Isabelle Moon , I am the person that put you up for adoption and made your level crazy.

I can't believe I get to see you again , it's been so long.

I missed you , I'm happy you're back in my life.

Sincerely, Lola"

" Oh my god " I mumbled.

Lola put me up for adoption.

She is the reason my level is insanely high.

I can't believe it. For 3 years of my life I lived with one of the elemental rulers.

I can't believe this.

How am I going to explain this to Olive and Alice?

How am I going to tell Lily .... wait she's dead.

I Isabelle Moon lived with Lola for 3 years.

This is just insane , but kinda cool....

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