Amber the brave

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me and Tyler had hastily climbed onto the ship and I quickly explained what the plan was. with some quirks and adjustments I was on my way to the nearest coral reef. When I was little I used to come here in secret to look at the dozens of fish that lived here. of course when daddy the fun police came I was never aloud back there, not until I decried the right to roam freely to every Atlantean. That was when I was 11.

How I survived down there is beyond my comprehension.

I spotted the shine of a dark stone and knew I was getting close, as I child my absolute favourite thing in the world was the black Obsidian stone that lay on the sea bed. it wasn't the normal Obsidian that was known to human as a rock. this Obsidian was a mixture of the ocean and black sand, it was an incredible metal to find that only the Atlantean's knew about. My father used it when he had to look good in front of his kingdom, it was also used for animals who were endangered or being attacked.

I could only imagine what they were doing with it now.

I picked up the stone and it was as light as anything, perfect for a sword or trident. This was my favourite metal, they called it the Black Streak. Famous painters used it for charcoal or paint, using the rich darkness to form their pictures.

I snapped out of my thoughts to see a tail dart away.

I hastily swam forward feeling the current to see if there was any movement around the reef.
Boy was there ever.

There was a ledge in the ground and I pulled myself slowly to it and peaked down below.
The walls of the reef were a creamy blue as the sun reflected off of them, the floors were covered in fuzzy plants and numerous colours of stone. Fish by the dozens came and went, they came in all different sizes and colours but every one a magnificent amphibian.
I had to admit, even I felt a little guilty to have to eat them.

Without another moments hesitation I quickly made a grabbing motion with my hand and the current responded, sending at least eight dozen fish to be scooped up into an invisible bowl.
Of course, the bowl had no escape.

Once the fish went into a frenzy I hastily stretched the water bowl so it was a long tube, leading all the way back to Tyler.
Now Tyler couldn't see the tube because it was plain water, it would look like I was chasing the fish all the way back.
Sometimes I was so smart.

The fish, desperate for an escape, swam down the channel as fast as they could, banging into the sea walls trying to find an exit.
I chased them all the way down, trying to look like I was chasing them and keeping the tunnel intact at the same time.

I saw Tyler a few yards away, his eyes widened when he saw all the fish but none the less he stretched the net wide open and the fish stupidly swam in.

Suddenly the net was full and he clamped it shut as two fish managed to escape.
"Jeez Ace, that's a lot of fish!" Tyler exclaims tying the net closed. "I told you the reef was big, my father used to take me there all the time.... Said it reminded him of my mother" I lied.
I hated lying these past couple of days. I had grown close to the men and if my secret was out I know how painful that would hurt.
To have people that understood me despise me.
Like Jackson......
Tyler gave me a weak smile "hey, after this we're going to find those Atlantean's and put a stop to them" he tells me. The suspicion comes in again, Tyler, unlike all the men, has never once said anything bad about the Atlanteans. Hell, Tyler hasn't even said anything bad about anyone!
Never boasted about his scars.... Now that i think about it, he never had any.
Never bragged about his muscles or the ladies he's slept with, that was a popular conversation among the crew.
Tyler, was just too good.
And that was never good.

"I'm going to get a new net, I'll hide this behind a barrel so none of the crew'll steal our booty" he said with a grin.
I nodded to him "I'll get some more fish, maybe another dozen or so". Tyler nodded and swam, up with his mighty black and dark green tail.

I stopped thinking about Tyler the perfect and swam back to the reef, taking my time so Tyler could get a new net.
As I approached the reef another tail darted behind a long tangle of seaweed that reached taller then eight meters.
But this time, the tail was definitely not a fish.

I grit my teeth, I was being watched, for how long I wasn't sure but I cursed myself for not noticing sooner.
I shot my hand forward and brought it back cupping my fingers towards my stomach, the sea did the same sending a wave towards me and blasting the seaweed down.
The seaweed flew down and the spy was in clear sight.
The culprit gasped quickly darting behind a small rock with there orange tail as if they could possibly find anymore cover.
I had already seen who it was.

"Amber?" I ask surprised, but I wasn't about to return to Atlantean talk when one of the formal creatures was spying on me. "What the bloody hell are you doing away from the palace!?" I ask her stupefied and she lowers her head in shame.
"I wasn't spying Alicia I-" "was stalking me behind seaweed and trying not be seen! Amber you're gonna get yourself killed out here, the Navigators are out hunting and you're in their line of fire" I tell her. She nods looking down at her tail, as usual keeping her thoughts to herself.
Suddenly she seems to think better of herself and she becomes bolder, pushing her shoulders back and tilting her head high like Alice taught her.
"Father is planning war Ace" she tells me and my eyes widen.
For one thing Amber called me Ace, the next thing, the king of the purest race was planning a war!
"What!" I say bawling my fists, "I over heard his plans, he's sent a fake Navigator to get you and bring you back. He'll lead the rest of them towards the portal where a group of Atlantean guards will collapse the portal on the Navigators and they'll be lost forever" Amber explains.
I'm silent not quite believing the words, then it snaps.

The fake Navigator.


Amber nods, "king Tyler, Father had already announced he is to be your husband since he is such a hero". My temperature flares and I know the sea is crashing very hard against the shores.
"I need to speak with King Jacob" I snarl and Amber shakes her head quickly, "no, you need to go back to David and I'll tell Father you were with him the entire time" she says. I feel a surge of pride when she says that. Amber was the shyest, but knowing she'd lie for me was truly touching.
But she knew David, meaning she and most likely all my other sisters had read my journal.
I ignored it to think of something else. I wouldn't go through with this 'doing nothing' plan, because despite what I have learned, I know for a fact that I can't leave the Navigators.

"I can't let the Navigators die, I'm sorry" I tell Amber who gasps in surprise, "have you not heard the stories! They killed us because we gave them life Ace! How could you save them!".
"I......." How was one supposed to respond to that.
"I don't know.... These men, there more then just killers and rapists, they have personality, honour, good traits, things you have to see to believe. I can't let them be slaughtered because all there life they've been taught something wrong". Amber shook her head.

What was next? I needed to confront Tyler, probably slap him till his head popped off- but then what? Warn the Navigators? How without giving away myself?


He'd know something, I knew he would. Jackson was a leader, one that would die for him crew in a heartbeat.
The impulse was stronger then ever in my head.
It was time to act.

"I want you to gather as much information as possible, about this war, the king, how many soldiers, time, place, setting, give me all the details" I tell her swiftly. Amber nods listening closely, "if things get messy use the back passage to the palace and get your sisters out, bring them to land and to David, I have a map of the town in my journal. Tell him Ace sent you and that you needed a place to crash" I explain. Amber keeps nodding "it'll be hard, but I can convince them to go" she says.
I place a hand on her shoulder, "thank you Amber, your braver then most to come out here". I know inside Amber is beaming with pride, "I won't let you down" she says and I smile "I know you won't".

She turns to leave but looks back at me, "Ace?" She says and I look at her. "Give em Hell" she snarls with a smirk that makes her look badass. I knew I carried my traits to at least one of my sisters.
I give her my own smirk before she speeds off, disappears from view.

I turn and swim as fast as I can towards the Navigator ship.

The world is gonna know why the call me 'The Streak Of Darkness'.
The streak that nobody could brighten.

Ands that when I'll give them hell.

The streak of darkness nobody could brightenWhere stories live. Discover now