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I had grabbed new human clothes and got out of Atlantis without another look. I had taken off my new shells and replaced them with old grey ones I had been saving for a day like today.
I had just swam through the pond/portal and I was making my way towards land.

I needed to clear my head and find those Navigators before they find Atlantis. I was going to beat some sense into them, fingers crossed literally.

As I shoot into the second ocean I am met with the darkness of greenish, blackish, bluish water, the ocean was never the cleanest. I start to swim again going slower now incase anyone was swimming nearby or decided to take a boat out for a spin.

That's when I see the huge brown bottom of a ship, and holy is it big. It must be able to fit 50 elephants, and I'm only talking about the bottom! I realize just who is sailing this ship quickly.
I'm nowhere near the shore right now, or even the wharf, I was out in the middle of the ocean.
Where they'll suspect I'm an Atlantean.
I was about 10 feet under the water and I was about 8 meters away from the ship, I decided to switch back to human form. First my tail grew into long lightly tanned legs, I threw on under stuff and a pair of jean shorts. I look at the crappy grey shells I had been saving to go up to land with (I would wear them on the way up and then change into my other clothes and throw the shells into the ocean) and take them off. I then throw them into the water and let them float away with the current.

I put on my other under stuff and then throw on a red tank-top with spaghetti straps. I looked at them and wrinkled my noes, I couldn't wear this, I needed to change, but it would have to do for now. Once on land I would use my water controlling powers to take the water out of my clothes and hair, I would be completely dry.

Finally my gills start to disappear and I take one final breath before kicking up towards the surface with human legs.

But something gets to me first.

'Hey' I shout in my head as something wraps around from under me I look and hear a groan of the boat coming towards me. Snit! I try to break free but suddenly the thing is caging me and ropes surround me and shoot through the water above my head.
Oh no.
A fishing net. A person sized fishing net.

I start to get frantic as the net comes from under me, I look down and see fish swimming under me, only a few dozen and fish are as common as dogs to me but its enough for them to raze the net.
And see me.
I try to rip through the ropes that cage me but I can't get them to tear and I am losing oxygen.
Suddenly the net lurches and I'm pushed back against the other side of the net, fish swim around me crazily, nervous and scared trying to break free. 'You need to calm down' I tell one fish in particular because I can't speak without drowning. He looks at me for a second before darting off in another direction ignoring my comment completely.

I search my pockets 'crap' I think because on land I always carry a pocket knife! Damn water!

The net lurches again but this time sending me and the fish to the bottom of the net, my eyes widen.
The net was going up. The net was headed to the surface. I WAS GOING TO BE SEEN!!!

I was lucky Atlantean's had eyes that where adjusted to the water or I wouldn't have been able to see a thing in the net.
I felt the net under my fingers and I tried to push myself up as fish started to hit me on all sides.
Oh where was an oxygen tank when you needed one!

The net moved faster upwards and soon I could see every plank of wood on the bottom of the ship. Oh no. Suddenly we broke the surface and sunlight hit me.... Before all the fish did that was.
Silver slippery fins and skin covered my legs and hands as I lied down in the net. And just my luck this net was a small one compared to average.
Once the net was above the water I was pushed back so my legs where up and my back was down, I was basically sitting sideways in the net.

I was towering above the water and I was unfortunate enough that most of the fish where under me and around me, still giving me a clear view.
I had thrashed around for a while as I made my way up. But it was useless, how was I going to explain myself once I was seen!?

Finally, I was pulled up above deck.

Men hoisted barrels and grabbed ropes pinning them or tugging on them, others climbed a huge rope wall that led way up to a crows nest. Some where washing the deck with mops, others clashed with swords in a battle of the strongest. The ship was massive, a huge bow and two gigantic white sails each topped with a lookout. It was breath taking the view was, but in my sideways cramped position I tried not to pay to much attention to sceneries, less I crack my neck in the process.
I looked again, more at the men this time, all strong looking and in their early twenties. They where all the same height, muscle, hot look, some even had bare chests and if my sisters where here they'd be drooling.
I grit my teeth and gave the ropes one last tug, which was the stupidest thing because the make shift wooden crane that held my ropes up gave an erupting groan.

Suddenly all eyes were on me.

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