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I looked out my window and smiled, what a fine day.

You see, I was one of those "the glass is only half full" kind of person.

I ran a brush through my light chocolate hair and smiled, I wasn't gorgeous, but who needed to be, I was given this life because I was strong enough to live it. And if that meant I didn't look pretty through it, so be it.

I smiled thanking Atlantis for what a splendid life it has given me, of course I did this everyday. And it would be terribly rude to say I was tired of it. Besides I wasn't, it was joy to wake up and see the same family I love and adore, to explore the place I've lived in for my entire life and complement its every crack and crevasse.

Oh what a lovely life.

I looked down at my green tail with pink in the middle and let the bottom fins of my tails come up and touch my face. I smiled brushing them with my pale fingers.

What was I talking about again? Oh what does it matter, I am happy in my moment, the others may be forgotten but forever cherished in my bucay of thoughts.

My sisters calls me a priest, but I love priests as much as I love children and life and everything. I am an appreciator.

Ally, what where you doing in your room again?! I asked myself again because I was quite the forgetful person, one of my many traits. Right, I was going to get Amber and tell her to go down for supper, today was special.
But why was today so special?
OH, Alicia is coming over today, what a beautiful surprise I hope she has a great swim down her and may many blessed things come on her path.

But, what was I doing in my room? I looked around at the pearl pink walls and bed. I don't shrug, that's saying "it doesn't matter" or "I don't care". But I care about everything in the best way.
Instead I smile and forget about it, storing it in the bucay of thoughts.

I open my door and walk out shutting the door quietly behind me.
But, why am I out here again?
OH, Amber, right!

I smile thinking of Amber, she has such a passion for little things, such a drive when it comes to her likes. But she's different from me, Amy and Alice, she's more.... Quiet. She talks huge lengths, but there only in her head, only ideas she likes to keep to herself. She rarely talks, only when directly spoken too.

I knock on her door softly just the lady thing to do. "Amber, a gorgeous supper is downstairs waiting for you" I tell her. No, I haven't seen supper yet, I was only instructed by my dear father to catch Amber to the table. But the chefs make the finest and most wonderful delicacies they all look amazing. In my opinion even their broccoli turnip stew looked gorgeous.

Wait, why was I outside Ambers door again?
OH, supper, had to get Amber, right!

The door opens in front of me and I see a wave of orange hair come to meet me. "Hello Amber, I love your shells are they new" I ask cheerily. She smiles a little "nope err I mean.... No, I wore these yesterday. But. Thank you. For the complement that is" she says. "Oh silly me, how could I be so forgetful, I'm not usually forgetful" I say with a shake of my head but still smiling.
"Say Amber, where are we going" I ask as we walk down the blue diamond hallway. Amber laughs a little "where going to the dinning hall, I assume you where supposed too get me, Amy and Alice weren't you" she asks.

I laugh myself "of course, how could I forget! Thank you Amber your so wonderfully kind. What would I do without you" I tell her. He just keeps looking forward her orange tail swimming off as I turn down another corner.

Now where had I seen Amy?
Oh, Amy was probably outside.

I swam to a screen-less window and dove through it my tail flying behind me.

I searched the water gardens first. Lined with coral of all colours and reefs and seaweed so natural and flawless I couldn't be more thankful.
Come on Ally! Stay on task! Get Amy, get Amy, get Amy.

......why did I need to get Amy?
DINNER! Right.

Amy was SUPER energetic always positive and jumpy, could never sit still. Such a great way to live. She had the sunshine hair, the hair that glows with gold and blond streaks. She wore Shells made of 2 wide strips of fabric and on the sides they zig-zagged out and flew down her sides. They looked like rays of sunshine. She had a yellow tail with bluish greenish on the sides. She was absolutely stunning.

Wait..... Why was I in the gardens?

The streak of darkness nobody could brightenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora