The finding

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It was a normal day.
No, scratch that, it started like a normal day.

I was grabbing the rigid sails ropes and hauling them back to tie down on the floors hooks. The wind wasn't blowing strong enough, and the sail had to be taken down if we wanted to keep a steady paste along the coast.
I saw Sawyer scrubbing the deck with the oldest wash cloth we had that must have been decades old. It must have been payback from the captain who gave it to him.

Oh that's right, I'm the captain.

Of course I wasn't the main captain, I wasn't the one to make the rules or to punish the crew or to man the ship till my last dying breath. I did get a bigger part of it but the big boss got the last and final say.
God I hoped I was never promoted to the "big boss"! Unlike the "big boss" I like having a good time and I liked to mind to myself. Unlike him who was always yelling, always speaking his mind loudly.
And let me tell you, a Navigators mind who's been living on the sea for a better part of 20 years, does not have the cleanest mind.

Don't worry we gave him a filter for Christmas.
Hah, before he cut off our heads and fed them to the Atlantean's.

It was funny I thought of that at that exact moment because suddenly I heard a huge moan of our net crane.
I spun to look and as did all the other crew and my jaw nearly hit Davy Joan's locker, which by the way, is at the bottom of the ocean.

"ATLANTEAN" a man screamed slicing his sword out of his sheath at his hip and raised it to her. She looked a little.... Stuck, and when all of our eyes came to meet hers she froze on the spot.
I looked at her long legs, the way her eyes looked at you with a sense of fear, but that she wouldn't show any coward moves.
And I thought..... 'Atlantean'?

"She's not an Atlantean ya bilge rat, she's got damn legs" someone yelled at him and a couple of the crew snickered. (Find out what bilge rat means if you want to be scarred). "Smart as bilge rats too" she muttered. A few men whistled others made cat noises.
"We've got a feisty one" someone declared.

As captain, I finished tying the ropes up around the hook and walked over and under the net she was dangling from. I made my way to the crane and gave it a little push before reaching up and taking the metal pin out.
The pin gave way which was holding up the net and the net fell to the ground with around 3 dozen fish, and the girl.

The net fell to the ground with a thump and the fish fell dead in it, the girl fell to the wooden floor too. She sighed grabbing certain ropes and pulling the net off of her head. She stood over the fish as if they where rags and not dead,smelly, creatures.
I thought she'd at least shiver?

She had long wavy dark brown hair and lightly tanned skin, she had the eyes of the ocean which were the finest darkest blue. She wore a red tank top and jean shorts, but her feet where bare.
Oh great, one of them beach girls.

She looked at all the crew who where all still staring at her, "and I thought girls where quiet" she murmured to herself. I stood off to the side, inspecting her closely, something was, different about her, something that demanded.... Respect."GET BACK TO YOUR STATIONS!! Leave the girl to me" the boss commanded from above. Everyone's heads darted up to look into the eyes of a 24 year old man.
Captain Richard, got the girls I'll give him that. He had light brown hair that was crops short around his head and a few pieces hung in his eyes. He wore a red plain ripped shirt, with a brown vest thrown over it, he wore black pants and black boots. A sword clung to his hip, not even in a sheath.

The crew all walked away and went back to what they where doing, but everyone's eyes discreetly or not, watched the captain and the girl.
You see, they called him captain, not me, they feared him, thankfully not me. There was a reason for this and it was because he was captain, he was the captain.

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