The first day as a pirate

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To say I was shocked how little attention I was given would be a lie.

When I stepped foot up on high deck I'd expect every pair of eyes on me. Nope. Instead they where all working hard, pulling ropes and shifting barrels and boxes. Men climbed a huge rope wall that led tall as the sail to the crows nest at the top.
The ship was beautiful.

"You'll get to see her better when you scrub her down, come on" Jackson muttered walking past, gesturing me to follow.
I walked behind him as he clamped men on the back and told them our location and coordinates. Jackson kept a steady paste as I ducked and avoided nets, poles and boxes with simple turns of my shoulders.

"You'll be pulling the ropes first" he told me coming to a stop in front of a huge white sail. A man came and nodded to Jackson before taking a few steps and leaning down, he reached for long ropes that where tied around a hook in the floor. He uncapped them and started to pull, walking backwards as he did to keep the sails steady. "Do what he's doing" Jackson said nodding to the man.
I nodded looking to the floor before spotting my own hook and ropes.

I unhooked the brown ropes and was suddenly being pulled forward by a huge force. Before it could pull me forward, I quickly wrapped my arm around the ropes so it traveled around my wrist and down my arm to my other hand. I pulled the other way forcing it back as I walked backwards.
This was like tug of war with David all over again.

My footing was strong and sturdy, from days in the blacksmith shovelling coals and banging steel, I was used to heavy and tough. This man who was almost twice my size was stumbling slightly, probably only knowing this type of heavy besides box and barrel lifting.
Jackson seemed to realize this and gave me a questioning look before turning to the man. "Will this is Ace, she's knew and'l be staying here for a week or so, once we put up the sails make sure she finds me" he instructed. Will nodded his eyes drifting to mine in acknowledgment before turning back to his ropes. "How long do the sails stay down?" I ask Jackson.
He shrugs "depends on the wind, sometimes the sails are down all day, sometimes there never down at all" he tells me. He looks to me once then to Will before walking off.

I don't ask Will anything, partly because I don't like to talk to many people and partly because I don't know what he thinks of me. I don't want to give him the 'girl who won't shut up' appearance.
Instead Will talks first, it's only brief and blunt but he spoke first. "Where do you come from?" he asks. I answer him and decided to ask him the same question "did you always live on the ship?". He shakes his head "I used to live on land, I actually used to live in Canada, me and Jackson served in the military" he told me.
Jackson was a soldier? Somehow I could picture that. "How'd you wind up on this ship?" I asked him.
He frowned slightly and tightened his hold on the ropes "you might want to ask him how we got out of the military... but once we did, we served at the docks, the ship was docked there and we knew a thing of two about swords and canons, they let us join" he explained simply.

Hold up.... How did going to the military to serve your country, go to serve the smelly docks? But I'd have to ask Jackson like Will said.
Hence the ending of our conversation.

Luckily the wind was picking up a lot and a man came to deliver the message that the sails would be put up. After Will instructed me on how to raise the sails we both tied the ropes and pulled them tight so the white sail flew up to its bindings. Once there Will told me to go find Jackson, Will then scaled the rope wall and tightened the bindings and straps around the sail.
I looked around wondering were Jackson could be, if I didn't find him I'd go back to my cell.
I walked around the ship for a bit until I spotted a head of red hair.
Then I saw him.

He had changed clothes to short black boots and brown pants, he had a black vest over a grey t-shirt which was only visible under his neck and collarbone as the black vest covered his upper body. The vest went right to his wrists but on his left arm the black vest had ripped so much that the sleeve was apart from the rest of his vest. It showed a gap just below the shoulder and the sleeve that had been ripped was kept up with a brown band. Jackson wore a black bandana that made him look like the perfect Pirate.
When I thought he was doing his "chores" he was actually sword fighting. He held a long shining metal sword in his left hand as he swung it at another man who also had a sword in his right hand.
Some chores.
Jackson was skilled in this type of combat, that was for sure. He had strong footing but was quick and always moved. His opponent who did look strong, was lousy as he swung. He didn't guard himself, he simply hoped his sword would find its target before the target found him.
A bunch of men gathered around them cheering with mugs raised. So this was what they did?

I was slightly amused, Jackson had sent me off to pull a million ton sail for the past hour, while he was surrounded by most likely drunk men as they played pirate. I guess I should have been mad, but I was actually rooting for Jackson's opponent to win so could make fun of Jackson for losing.
Of course that would never happen, the clear winner was Jackson by a landslide.

Jackson easily dodged a stab of the mans sword and quickly flicked it away as he spun to advance on the man. Jackson was smirking the whole time and didn't bother try to attack back as he deflected every attack the man threw at him. Jackson stood in the same spot moving his sword to intercept every swing that came at him. Jackson did it with ease and it was clear why he was the captains first in command.
Jackson seemed to have enough child's play and when the man lashed out one final time Jackson took his sword, twisted it around the mans and flicked his wrist.
The next thing you know the mans sword is in Jackson's hand.
Then Jackson has one sword barely half an inch away from the mans nose and the other sword a breath away from his opponents neck.
He has clearly won.

The men all go ballistic as Jackson hands the sword back to the man who has a big pout on his face. The man slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bag that jingles with coins.
He tosses it to Jackson before walking away. Jackson catches it and wraps it around his belt so it sways by his hip.

Then he spots me.
His smirk leaves his face as he walks over but the corner of my mouth is still raised. "You're not mad I see" he says as he keeps the sword in his left hand. "You seem to be amused by something" he says furrowing his brows. I shrug, let's see how far this goes. "I was laughing at your poor excuse of an opponent, their just as bad as your ship" I say now the men are looking at me. Some snicker, most are grinning, but they all know how this is going to end. Their captain is going to whip the little girls ass. "Did you just insult my crew and ship" he asks me a glint of mischief in his green eyes, he tried to look angry and serious, but his voice was playful. "We'll I could go into detail" I said with a flick of my wrist. The men started whistling and making cat noises.
Jackson is silent but now he's smirking once again "I don't think that sword of yours is going to lose by itself, Ace" he says as he moves his sword to rest under my chin.
I don't move.
"Is that a challenge" I ask keeping my head up so Jackson's sword won't slit my throat. The weight of the sword in its sheath on my hip grew heavy. "Not really, you've already lost" he says with a snicker. "Stand down, Alicia" he said using my real name, damn how'd he hear that!
That took me out of my playful moment of innocence. "I told you..." I snapped.

I flipped backward, moving my legs out from under me to kick Jackson's sword out of his hands. My hands landed on the wooden deck from under me as I back flipped and as I went back up to my feet I took Jackson's sword that had clattered to the ground. I raised Jackson's sword and my own into a defensive pose. "It's Ace".
Jackson looked at me shocked as his jaw joined the rest of the crews as it hit the ground.
Yes, I had just done a backflip, kicked his sword out of his hand in the process, and now have both swords in my hand.
I smirked.

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