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"Fantastic" I squealed swimming over and gently taking the stone off of the ground.
I looked back to see the baby sea horse smiling proudly that he had fetched the stone. "oh what a good job the wittle sea horsy did, yes he did" I praise him patting his orange head.
"Okay you ready boy, you ready, you reaaadyyyy" I say raising the stone high in the air ready to throw it again. "GO FETCH" I scream throwing it into the water. The sea horse is off grabbing the stone before it even hits the sea bed in its mouth and bringing it back to me. I jump up and down despite not even touching the ground "YOU DID IT YAY" I call into the water. I'm soooooo HAPPY for the little sea horsy, probably more so then he is.

"Okay wittle guy, mommas gotta go now ok Baby Tails" I coo to him as I start to swim away.the sea horse doesn't look fazed and just swims off, dropping the stone and leaving.
My, what a nice sea horse, to not show me any sadness and just leave before I could see his sadness. How sweet. And he even left me the stone! How thoughtful.

I swim through the coral reefs gasping loudly as I see every new shade, I couldn't wait till the next colour! I let out an excited squeal as I came upon a purple bush of seaweed, I swam over and took in a big sniff. I let out a sigh of relaxation smelling the wonderful plants (let me remind you, only some amphibians can smell underwater).

"Amyyyyy.....Amyyyyyy! Are you out here" a voice called out to me. I squealed loudly shaking my fists with excitement! I swam fast to the voice and when I saw who it was I clamped her into a big sister hug I save just for her. As I wrap my golden tail around her shoulder something only an Atlantean flexible as myself could do she patted me on the back. "HI ALLY! YOU LOOK GREAT" I yell at her because I just love seeing my sister! She smiles at me widely her brown hair flocking into my eyes. When she finally manages to pull me off of her I move back.

"Hi Amy, I just got you to bring you to dinner, you'll never guess who brought her lovely self down here at the most blessed moment" she said turning in a circle. I tap my chin doing my own tiny circle for the hell of it but instead I keep spinning very,very fast. "Who Ally WHO!" I call still spinning like a Seastar.
There's a silence as I finally stop spinning.... I feel like I'm going to be sea sick, but oh well better to throw up so I'll eat more at dinner! I'm quite dizzy but I manage to pull my tail on right and look back too Ally.

Ally taps her chin a confused and lost expression on her face, OH she forgot, I love helping her solve the mystery though! "Oh, oh is it Dad's friend" I ask shooting my hand in the air. She shakes her head "no, I don't think so, it's a female" she said nodding her head slightly. I pouted my lip thinking even when I had a grin on my face. Was that even possible? Oh of course it was possible, I believe in everything that's unrealistic.
"Oh Moms friend" those where the only other people who would be called to dine in the dinning hall, right? She shakes her head but suddenly she pops up her eyes bursting with excitement and her skin glowing with happiness (not literally). "Alicia's coming, oh bless her heart" she says twirling once more.

At the words I practically explode "YAAAAAAAAAAY" I scream so loud and I grab her hand and shoot off towards the palace. Being older then Ally I drag her a little bit, and plus she's caught quite of guard she looks a little startled. Hmm? I wonder why? I shrug a huge grin plastered on my face.
I can't believe Alicia is back, YAY,YAY,YAY,YAY!

We get to the palace Licketty-split and where inside the dinning room in minutes. "DAD" I scream running over to him and looking up into his bright blue eyes "is it true is it true" I shriek overjoyed "is ALICIA here" I scream unable to keep the excitement inside me.
Dad nods and I shout a "wahoo" flying into the water before coming back down and shooting out of the room faster then I can blink.

I need to get Alice, I couldn't wait to see Alicia and I was willing to bet Alice couldn't either.
I grinned wildly Alice had the nicest brown hair, it was light... But dark. Oh how I loved her nice chocolate hair. And she LOVED blue, seriously. Blue Shells, tail, room, bed, dresser, palace, well.... The palace wasn't actually hers. It was going to be Alicia's soon, she could control the seas, woooow what an honour.

I made my way up the staircase and swam down hallway after hallway until I came to the sista corridor. I flew to Alice's room and was about to bang the door down with my fists when I stopped myself. Mother wouldn't be impressed with that and I always wanted to impress her! I lightly knocked on her door a smile still lighting my face.

I frowned then, which I normally don't do. No answer. "Amy sweetie, Alice is outside in the courtyard, she said she's going to walk Alicia in" my mothers calm but kind voice said. She had beautiful dark and light brown hair, like Ally and Alice, but she had streaks in her hair with orange and yellow like me and Amber. She had a pure white tail, something only woman get but its not too rare.

I smile at her and nod "can we go down to supper mother" I ask her politely and she smiles taking my hand in hers "of course Amy, where having your favourite" she whispered into my hair. I gasp my skin tingling with happiness, but, it suddenly stops "shouldn't we be having Alicia's favourite" I ask still smiling. Mother laughs lightly but shakes her head "you know Alicia, she never holds anything to closely, especially not a favourite food" she says with a smile. I nod and we swim off me telling her all about the beautiful coral I had seen, but she knows every shade of coral in the entire sector of this ocean, she's lived here all her life.

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